Driver Search


New Member
I am planning to build 2 6x2ft units and so far have planned to get 4x SI-B8V521560WW (1510-2224-ND) and 8x SI-B8U521560WW (1510-2224-ND)
I was thinking to run 6 lights per unit so 4x 3500k and 2x 5000k but I'm struggling to find a suitable driver to power 6 strips. Could someone give me a suitable suggestion.
I would suspect double drivers but I’m no authority on builds
I’m sure someone will come along with suggestions
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I am planning to build 2 6x2ft units and so far have planned to get 4x SI-B8V521560WW (1510-2224-ND) and 8x SI-B8U521560WW (1510-2224-ND)
I was thinking to run 6 lights per unit so 4x 3500k and 2x 5000k but I'm struggling to find a suitable driver to power 6 strips. Could someone give me a suitable suggestion.
It depends on how hard you want to drive them. Any 48V driver will suit and those F-Series strips are usually driven around 1.12A at 46V for just over 50W each. So for 6x strips you have a couple of choices. A Mean Well HLG-240H-48A will drive those strips at around 45W each. The 240 drivers will pull anywhere from 280-300W from the wall. Or you could use a HLG-320H-48A which would drive those strips at around 55W each, but you need good heatsinking. The 320 drivers usually pull around 370W from the wall. There is variation with different driver batches.

What are you going to use for a heatsink and how hard were you intending to drive each strip? I would probably suggest the 320W driver for each frame. They are good drivers, but how much power you require also depends on the size of the area you want to light up.
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I checked the spec of the LED module, yes, it's 1.12A and 46Vdc, so you can parallel 6pcs LED modules, then you will need a 46Vdc LED driver, and the current should be 1.12AX6=6.72A, so what you need is a 46Vdc and 6.72A constant current LED driver, it's ok if the current is a little lower, it depends on how much power you want. Meanwell HLG-320H-48A is a good choice.
I've been looking for a 240w cc driver for a couple hlg boards with lm301b diodes..I wonder what epowertek costs in US dollars?