drooping at night. not sure why or what to do.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I have some red desiels i started flowering almost a week ago and i think thats when they started to droop at night. I have them in some good soil i got from the hydro store, cant remember exacty the name, something like roots organic. it was a little cheaper than ffof so i got it but i wish i didnt. they all have had plenty of water. i repotted them about a day or two before i started flowering. they have all also been kinda yellowish, definately light green leaves throughout the whole plant. more so on the top. i ended up giving them water with nutes yesterday even though the soil should still have plenty. im using fox farm nutes and using 600 watt hps. im going to try and get some co2 in there tomorrow. Ive noticed since i fed them with nutes there starting to get a tad bit darker green, but still drooping when light go out.
heres a few pics of them and one pic of their mother while i was flowering previous. i think i gave the mother too much N :wall:

Any help is greatly appreciated!



Active Member
Some strains do this. I have had a couple of strains that have done this. I dont think it is much of a problem if only they come to lift during the day like mine did..
But you should check your PH to correct the light colored foilage. Keep the PH at about 6-6.5 during veg and slightly lower during flower. Good luck


Active Member
your plants are just sleeping...leave them be. This process is caused by the leaves sending their water to the rootball. This will keep getting less dramatic...my plants pretty much stopped doing this by the 4th or 5th week of flowering. Good luck


Active Member
BTW your plants seem to be getting enough CO2. The mature leaves are a good color green..it's the new leaves that may lead you to think they are CO2 deprived.The new leaves should fade to a darker green as they mature. What are you currently usuing for a CO2 source??


Well-Known Member
im not useing anything for co2. its just in an open space. ive been reading alot about co2 the past couple of days and someome wrote adding co2 is the single most way to maximize yeild. but then i also heard like a year or 2 ago those diy co2 dont really put out much and would be pointless. But i think i want to give a try and just see what happens.

Thanks for all the replies! From now on im just going to use ffof. i feel better now though knoing its nothing too serious