drooping clones and yellow tipped leaves HELP ME!


first time grower i bought 8 sour diesel clones from the store. i just transplanted them a day ago from small clone cubes to larger 3 gallons in fox farm with perlite. there seemed to not be that many roots visible from the cube. just a couple. PH is around 6.8 temp is at bout 80 and humidity average 40%. i have an 8 tube t5 setup and watered right after i transplanted. they been in there a day and a half. temp control is at the canopy. the leaves are very droopy and the tips of the leaves are yellow does anyone have any advice what to do? i havent started nutes yet either till the first 2 waters.



Well-Known Member
The root system is small, may be pulling stored nutrients in the leaves to increase the root structure.
I would say water the cube to be sure you get the small root system. You could call the store and ask them what they were feeding, probably 200 to 300 ppm of veg nutes.


thanks dude. i will i am just trying not to over water and everything. but it seems that the plants do better when the lights are off too. is there anything that this would be affected by that u know of?


Active Member
I myself am a cloner and what you are seeing is not completely out of the ordinary. Sometimes they will droop a little bit when trying to establish a full working root system. Whatever you do, do NOT over water them. You'll want to let then almost dry and then water again, to allow them to adjust easily and send those roots out to search for water. They will probably perk up in a few days if not sooner.


alright for sure. do you have any expirience with the t5's ive heard several opinions on the hiehgt above the canopy for these. some 1 inch and some 12 inches. mine are about 9 inches above now due to some heat giving off. and cervantes book saying its better to dim lights for a day or 2 after transplanting


Well-Known Member
I did a bad ass grow with T-5s. Vegged then flowered with about 200 watts.
Mine were the 2 foot high output T-5s I have four of them in the light.
Thats 100w and about 5000 lumes. Then I added 4 26w cfls for about 4000 more lumes.

I think about 2 to 3 inches is perfect.