Drooping fan leaves, sprouting leaves are yellow???


Its going on week 6 of the veg state, as you can see the plant in the back is the tallest but the leaves are really drooping. I know we have been over watering and adding too much miracle grow. The plants are under a 1000w metal halide and we are now watering about every 4 or 5 days.

All the plants look ok except on the top of the plants and the one in the back is growing straight up rather than up and out.

And about how much longer do you guys think it will be until we can start the 12/12 light cycle?

(the PH is 7)



Well-Known Member
If you've just started that watering regime than overwatering caused your droopy leaves. If you've always been with that watering regime, what's your air circulation like? Stagnant air can prevent the soil from drying out and make even the sparsest of waterings too much to handle.

Do you have a moisture meter? Soil should always dry out completely before being watered again to promote strong roots and oxygen exchange.