Drooping leaves not overwatered


Hope someone can help with a problem im having with drooping leaves, the plants where perfectly fine and healthy I watered with pure enzyme and power roots solution ph 6.2 run off 6.5 room temp around 20deg 1500 cubic meters per hour extraction 600w hps dual spec lamp circulating fan and moved them to a different tent this is what happened in 24 hours


my first thought was over watering but i transplanted into batmix last night and the soil surrounding the roots wasn't soggy or too wet neither was it dry it just looked fine the root system was healthy nice brilliant white fat roots they are now in their larger pots, in another tent there are more of the same strain that are growing perfectly they have the same soil (plagron royalty mix) and room conditions are practically the same the only differences are the healthier ones where given plagron start up and watered more frequently as they needed it and these ones where only given pure enzyme and power roots and only watered 3 times so far as they wasn't drinking as much but they where still healthy and perky until yesterday (this isnt to do with transplanting all this happened in their original pots), the hps lamps are different one is a sunmaster and the other is one called world of hydroponics not an expensive lamp that one, spoke to some people about hps lamps they said it shouldn't make them do that someone also said the soil could be too strong but the others are growing perfectly in the same medium very confused as what to do now think im just going to leave it for a few days and see how they go, i have also put one of the sick plants back in the other tent just to see what happens to rule out a lamp issue,

in summary

the plants are 3 weeks old in batmix originally in royalty mix
water ph around 6.2
temp 21degs
humidity 50%
stimulants power roots and pure enzyme
world of hydroponics 600w hps 18" above the plants
only watered 3 times so far
18/6 cycle
not using nutes

any advice would be appreciated as i dont want to rush into a solution to this problem.


Well-Known Member
HID shock. This happened because you moved from a much weaker light to a powerful HPS. Raise the light and don't place them directly under it until they perk back up.


thanks charirroller and BUDS the drooping happened before the transplant i just put them in new pots as they needed it, both lamps used where 600w hps just different brands could the shock still happen with different type lamps


Active Member
thanks charirroller and BUDS the drooping happened before the transplant i just put them in new pots as they needed it, both lamps used where 600w hps just different brands could the shock still happen with different type lamps
I agree ! Changing lamp types does that !!