Drooping leaves

Hey all,
I am new to this site and growing so please bare with me. I have a northern lights 2 weeks into flower she is bushy and bountiful but lately her leaves have been starting to droop all around her. Especially at the bud sites. Can someone please help me. I have researched but could not come up with a conclusion as I am new to this.
Thank you in advance



Well-Known Member
I ran into a similar problem in my last grow just run it dry then water. But dont run it to dry just enough to where you can pick up the pot easy. If the leaves are still drooping after that its probaby the genetics of the plant. Thats my experience. bongsmilie
I ran into a similar problem in my last grow just run it dry then water. But dont run it to dry just enough to where you can pick up the pot easy. If the leaves are still drooping after that its probaby the genetics of the plant. Thats my experience. bongsmilie
Okay will do. Thanks for the advice man.


Well-Known Member
take pic under normal light but looks like over watered and to much nutes my friend , ur gonna make that girl sick with all the feed ur giving her ,
take pic under normal light but looks like over watered and to much nutes my friend , ur gonna make that girl sick with all the feed ur giving her ,
Okay will do tomorrow. What do you suggest I feed? I've been giving her the fox farm trio. The light feed schedule. I'll just give her straight water for a couple feedings? I've been letting her dry out pretty good in between waterings. When I lift up the pot feels like it's super light then I'll feed her. I have another problem child same strain as this one. Started on the same day and everything. But unfortunately she got ripped out of the soil when she was about 2 weeks old. Ripped off all the roots so I immediately put her back in the soil but she is taller than shit now. I'm thinking About doing lst because she is about to touch my hps. Will upload pic so you can see.


Well-Known Member
I would just give plain water for a week of 2 , bend the top over tie it down from 5th node from top and remove 1 of those paint tins from the other plant that may give you extra foot of light distance , I wouldn't worry bout snapping plant as its got the flex on it to bend , all will be good , remember its a weed ,


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3773407
Okay will do tomorrow. What do you suggest I feed? I've been giving her the fox farm trio. The light feed schedule. I'll just give her straight water for a couple feedings? I've been letting her dry out pretty good in between waterings. When I lift up the pot feels like it's super light then I'll feed her. I have another problem child same strain as this one. Started on the same day and everything. But unfortunately she got ripped out of the soil when she was about 2 weeks old. Ripped off all the roots so I immediately put her back in the soil but she is taller than shit now. I'm thinking About doing lst because she is about to touch my hps. Will upload pic so you can see.
I used age old grow and bloom on my first couple of grows i liked it cause its organic and it was very hard to over feed. Im using ph perfect grow, micro, bloom by advanced nutrients this is my first time using it for soil and dwc. Never tried the ff line up. Love there soil though. And it might not be to late to super crop if its about to hit the light. Pics would def help.


Well-Known Member
super cropping will just delay flowering as plant would need to recover , tieing the top down will put a lot less stress on the plant and no recovery time , if he were in veg then yes supercrop all day long .


Well-Known Member
ur miss informing there mate , also , the genetics of the plant wont make the leaves droop , probs because too much food , new growers tend to over feed thinking the gonna get big massive fat buds the more food u give them , when in fact the more food u give them the more they become sick , cos the more u give them the more they store and they carnt eat it fast enough , and then u get toxicity which will start to lock out other nuitriants , will take a while to get rid of the build up of feed in them plants but all will be good , like I said just give plain water for 2 weeks and get plenty run off , if in good soil u shouldn't reall be feeding plants with nutes as often , if vegging in good soil for say 4-5 weeks then that soil will be good maybe little veg food b4 12/12 then in flower maybe top up with bloom from week 3 , and use molasses throughout flower ,


Well-Known Member
Huh. Im just going off of my experience. Leaves will droop on alot of hybrid or 80 sativa 20 indica strains like that. But yes i do agree with the over watering and feeding always a beginner mistake happened to me with bag seeds. And i always thought you could super crop untill the 2nd week of flower?


Well-Known Member
Correction i apologize certain strains leaves curle back a little. Like cindy 99. I had the hardest time with that plant in a dwc bucket all the leaves where green and lush but where curled back like arched in a way. Asked around and everyone said its normal on certain strains like hybrids and 80/20s. Always learning :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yeh mate , u can supercrop but a was just meaning why put the plant through more stress and recovery time , I've been doing 88% sativa 12% indica for over 3yrs now and havnt came across drooping leaves unless over fed plants , a lot of strains are fragile to to much nutes , just cos says use 4ml per ltr on bottle and use every watering don't mean for every strain , if ppl don't understand the strain then they should go easy on ferts until they know and understand what that particular strain likes and dislikes , been medicated since 5.30am so hope I havnt baffled any1 apart from meself
I will lay back on the nutes and tie down the tall girl. Thank you both for your advice I really appreciate it. I will post pics tomorrow with girls in regular light. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
I've been watering every 2-3 days. One with nutes one with straight water. All ph'd.
Temp ranges from 70-76 degrees. Under a 600 watt hps.
As expected it's over watering every 2 and 3 days is usually towards week 5 and up in flower stop watering until it's light in the bucket roots dig to find water when soil dries out I've done experiments with this and I've seen so many more roots with soil I let dry drastically cheers bro easy fix
As expected it's over watering every 2 and 3 days is usually towards week 5 and up in flower stop watering until it's light in the bucket roots dig to find water when soil dries out I've done experiments with this and I've seen so many more roots with soil I let dry drastically cheers bro easy fix
Okay will do. She's looking a little better this morning. Will let her get nice and dry from here out.