Drooping Lite Yellow Tinted PLants


Active Member
I was having a few problems with my lemon skunk. the first level leaves were turning yellow and dying, so i trimed they away. Its been about a week now and the plants started to droop very badly...a couple weeks ago the plants were being over watered and watering was cut back. the plants are being watered once a day with a 64oz water can for for all 8 plants, tryng to give each the same amount...the plants still droop but the soil is dry by the next morning.there is fan running on them and they are 18/4 lights getting pure blen fert once a week..do they need more water...is my light to close????PLease Help!!!!!!!!!they are just coming up on 2 full months since they have been planted



It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
It sounds like you are seeing the top of the soil is dry because of the fan but down an inch or so it's still wet. Let them dry out for an extra day or two.


Well-Known Member
I grow hydro but I always hear of the knuckle method for dirt, just stick your finger into the soil down to your knuckle and if u feel any moisture its still too wet to water, if its fry to the knckle then water. One good watering every two to three days should be good, maybe even less.