Drooping PLant Problem, Need Help


Active Member
I am growing four Bagseeds right now underneath two 125 cfls I have been watering them every two days and keeping light on them 24/7. If I had pictures I would show you but I don't sorry, One of my plants is starting to lean over really bad, it is a little stretched but i tied a small stick to it and held it up. The leaves are starting to droop really bad and I don't know why. They are only about a week and a half in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Week and a half del...

How often do u water them Wj? If ur leaves are drooping on young plants it's usually due to overwatering or high temps....

.... also, u say they're leaning. I'm assuming u mean the whole thing is more or less trying to tip over, SOLUTION- GET A FAN. A nice steady breeze is essential in the beginning to develope a nice strong thick stem.


Well-Known Member
yea and only water when you can stick your finger down in the soil a few inches and feel it's dry, not just every couple of days


Active Member
Ok thanks guys I thought it might be because of over watering but I have three others and they are doing just fine, I water them all at the same time. My lights are about 2 innches away from them, and it doesn't feel too hot I will have to check, They are coming up on two weeks old If you don't include germination. Could it be because of the quality of the water?


Well-Known Member
are you letting your tap water sit out for a day before using it? you want to wait at least 24 hours so that the chlorine in the water will evaporate.