Drooping seedling in coco issue cant understand. Has been 3 days.

basically. I dropped my germinated seeds in coco 7 days ago and they were going pretty good! On day 5 my second seedling started to droop!? I had only watered it till run off once which was before planting the seeds. The rest of the days i had sprayed it with water. Slowly i started realizing it was drooping more and more. I got scared and added 2 cups of plain phd water to the 3 gal pots because i felt they were under watered or something because coco needs to be moist completely and if the medium is starting to “dry” on top or seems dryish to touch its time to water. So i dropped the cup. Later even the second seedling started to droop day after that. Seeing the seedlings still drop i skipped watering for a day. Not understanding wether its over watering or underwatering i made another post on reddit asking wtf it is? People constantly kept saying coco NEEDS TO BE WET CONSTANTLY! it needs to be watered till run off with “NUTES”. You have to water till run off with nutes after first set of leaves. Thinking this i watered it till run off with 1/4th nutrs and waited for it to bounce back for a day. Later it did start bouncing back. A few hours later one of the seedlings became fine and straight , the other seemed to be bouncing back aswell. But now the other is again drooping and is back on its downfall! I cant undsrstand what is it? Felt seedlings only need a tiny bit of water at first. Realized later on from people coco needs to be completly moist. Watered seedling till run off and its still droopy!



Well-Known Member
This is the problem with starting seeds in big pots and not small containers.

I wouldn't worry about the coco drying out , its not a concern right now since your not feeding large doses of synthetic nutrients.

You can either tip it out gently and repot in a small container or you can add a small amount of water every 1-3 days around the seedling, enough to soak down slightly but not drench the entire medium. That will add new o2 to the tiny root you have.
It doesn't look in bad health. Its not showing signs of dampening off.
You don't need to be adding nutrients but I would be adding less than 1/4 dose if you insist on doing it.
Seedlings have food stores in those baby leaves, when they start to fade you can add nutrients, though some do feed from the start.

Once the plant grows, it will take a while because its going to spend time rooting, you can start to water more volume more often.
This is the problem with starting seeds in big pots and not small containers.

I wouldn't worry about the coco drying out , its not a concern right now since your not feeding large doses of synthetic nutrients.

You can either tip it out gently and repot in a small container or you can add a small amount of water every 1-3 days around the seedling, enough to soak down slightly but not drench the entire medium. That will add new o2 to the tiny root you have.
It doesn't look in bad health. Its not showing signs of dampening off.
You don't need to be adding nutrients but I would be adding less than 1/4 dose if you insist on doing it.
Seedlings have food stores in those baby leaves, when they start to fade you can add nutrients, though some do feed from the start.

Once the plant grows, it will take a while because its going to spend time rooting, you can start to water more volume more often.

Im waiting for it to dry out right now. Thanks for your reply! Is it safe it transfer it to a smaller cup/containter? Also if not i guess ill just water it in a circle around the seedling once it dries. How long do you think will it take to dry off? Im scared i have stunted it for life or something.


Well-Known Member
Im waiting for it to dry out right now. Thanks for your reply! Is it safe it transfer it to a smaller cup/containter? Also if not i guess ill just water it in a circle around the seedling once it dries. How long do you think will it take to dry off? Im scared i have stunted it for life or something.
It will take a long while to dry and the medium will lose o2 way before that happens so your best course is to keep giving it small doses and eventually the outer coco away from the root will slowly dry off.
You may have slowed its growth down some but eventually it will catch up.
Its always a bit of a risk removing a seedling from a big pot since it will only have a tap root so it depends on how compact that coco is and if you want to chance it. If it were me I would but its not my risk.

Despite what folks say these days you can treat coco like soil, it has its pitfalls but sometimes its the best way forward, at least until you have a well established plant. At that point you get far more of the benefit of coco by treating it like hydro.

You might want to look at seed cells for future germinations, starting small and potting up has benefits.
It will take a long while to dry and the medium will lose o2 way before that happens so your best course is to keep giving it small doses and eventually the outer coco away from the root will slowly dry off.
You may have slowed its growth down some but eventually it will catch up.
Its always a bit of a risk removing a seedling from a big pot since it will only have a tap root so it depends on how compact that coco is and if you want to chance it. If it were me I would but its not my risk.

Despite what folks say these days you can treat coco like soil, it has its pitfalls but sometimes its the best way forward, at least until you have a well established plant. At that point you get far more of the benefit of coco by treating it like hydro.

You might want to look at seed cells for future germinations, starting small and potting up has benefits.
Man. I just transfered the seedling to a smaller container. And im afraid to say i might have just killed it. While i pulled it out. The seedling made a tiny snap and i could see its roots hanging out. Is it dead?


Well-Known Member
Man. I just transfered the seedling to a smaller container. And im afraid to say i might have just killed it. While i pulled it out. The seedling made a tiny snap and i could see its roots hanging out. Is it dead?
Probably not. They’re tougher than hell. What kind of light are these under?


Well-Known Member
Its around 29 inchee. Dont wanna dim because the other healthy seedling might also be affected. Yes it does dim!
I still feel that's excessive amount of light for seedling even at that distance.

I have 60w of EB strips which are less efficient than the Samsung diodes , over a clone station and to start seeds, mine seems a little strong even at 2ft away and that's only 60w.

Will ask a few guys opinions , Im really only experienced with flowering under LED, starting seeds under them is fairly new to me.

@Rocket Soul @Moflow @whytewidow
Any advice on correct light levels and distance with such young seedlings?


Well-Known Member
Man it is still wilting. Its been 12 hours im afraid! Its even wilting more!
Maybe put a plastic see through dome over the 'drooper' to raise its humidity.
Did you literally pull the seedling out of the coco?
I'd have dug around it with a teaspoon or tablespoon, ensuring the root was totally undisturbed before transplanting.
Perhaps dim the light to Min ~ 60 watts and hang it 18" - 20" away, no need for high wattage at this early stage.
Im vegging with 84 watts of Samsung Fstrips.
Any seeds I do are kept in indirect light in veg area under the canopy of the big plants until they get a few sets of leaves. I pop the seeds in small pots, about the size of a teacup and if the stem stretches I just bury it when transplanting up to next size pots.
Cloning is the same. Indirect light at edge of veg area until roots show.
I also clone in the kitchen, indirect daylight during the day, supplemented with a couple of rechargeable torches when it's dark.....
I use Biobizz light mix with my own amendments so I only need to water as there's plenty of feed in mix.
Good luck!
Nah man i pulled it out with the coco. I underestimated the depth of the god damn root of the seedling. Pulled it out snap came of half a cm of root. Im not sure whqts gonna happen now. Its still wilting but way more. I heard not to dry it out after transplant im keeping it moist. Have covered it with a dome.
I think im over watering my transplanted seedling aswell. Ive given it 64 ml of water since the morning. Its in a 330ml glass. Is it possivke? Im scared of the roots drying out!


Well-Known Member
If you have the free time to be a helicopter parent you can use a spoon, teaspoon or table/soup spoon, and gently dribble a bit of water at a time right above the seedling's roots. You may not need to anymore since you repotted it, but it's worth a shot. I've done this with seedlings in seed starter mix that was about 90% coco and the rest perlite and peat, and it kept them watered until I could pot up. I'm never using seed starter mix again, nearly killed every seed I used it with.