Droopy after transplant?


Well-Known Member
My plants were 2 months old in veg in 3gal pots. They were super healthy and sucking up water almost every other day. Yesterday I transplanted them into 5gal smart pots, I gave tehem each 4 litres of PHd tap water. 24 hours later they are looking droopy like they need water...but the pots are obviously still very heavy with water...


Well-Known Member
soil plants can be touchy sometimes. if your soil is staying wet longer than a day or so your overwatering. the more you make the roots work and search for that water the more foundation your plant will have.


Active Member
try getting those AirPots or SmartPots....
lots of oxygen to the roots and almost impossible to over-water. (but they tend to dry up quite quickly)


yea sounds like a bit overwater and sometimers when you transplant they get droopy for a day or two anyways just because of the shock of the whole ordeal, as long as everything is still green they will perk up in a few days, give it a little time


Well-Known Member
they will be droopy after transplant usually. you should try to transplant with some beneficials or something so they can get going faster. what medium are you growing in again? IMO.... you cant over water a plant when transplanting, you want to make sure the entire medium is saturated so you dont get dry pockets in the future. 4 liters seems fine, i usually do a little more. let them go til they are dry before you water again.