Droopy Clones After Transplant

I got 4 clones for a CC about a week ago and they were in rockwool cubes and i put them in soil (half Organic Miracle Grow and half potting soil) I've now realized i should have went with better soil like fox farms or something. so i did a flush today...

anyways, my plants looked excellent right when i got them from the club, a day later and they begin to droop, some leaves giving off the claw effect. Leaves arent getting that big and the bottoms ones are turning yellow. Im using 4ft T5 HO with 5000K 4 bulb. Im attaching pics so i hope u guys can help

oh yea.. and im not overwatering... maybe once every 2-3 even 4 days.. :)

First pic is right when i transplanted them so they look good! ahah



I have the dutch master grow and silica using for vegg, is that good nutes? I have good venilation and temps stay around 75.. The drooping is really buggin me. First time grow. Any/all inputs are appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
mine droop a little at first when transplanted to soil. until plant reestablishes to growin leaves, unstead of roots , but it will pik up in a week or so.leaves may appear odd lookin also . flour. lites good, 18+ hrs lite< not to close. no nutes until well growin, hopefully under a hid lite. good luck growin.
Thanks alot guys. So one plant is starting to flatten out leaves, but its starting to get dark green on inside and lighter green on outside, i need to do my research n see wat nuts need to be given

Also on one of my plants the new leaves are pretty light green.. Is that normal on new leaves (1 inch in length)
Thanks guys!
the droopyness is starting to go away, added some epsom salt to my water/nutes. now im thinking i might not b watering them enough.. so every other day is my new routine

also.. the girls are only 2 1/2 weeks old (clones) and they are already showing gender signs.. is that normal? im getting the little orange hairs comin out of nodes at the top and middle, but im doing 18/6 light. maybe the mother plant was an auto flower?? ahah i have no clue. Pics coming soon!


Well-Known Member
most likely and auto flower, as for the problem im leaning towards ph level, not enough water / nitrogen. or too much nutes. i have a plant like the one on the right but younger and it was lookin the same leafs droopy, i watered her alot and let her sleep, after 3hours under light after dark cycle she jumped back up.


I also have clones that I got from a dips early and 2 of them are very droopy and I’m not sure why they were just transplanted to a grow closet doc and top feed system could any have any recommendations anything would help


Well-Known Member
I have the dutch master grow and silica using for vegg, is that good nutes? I have good venilation and temps stay around 75.. The drooping is really buggin me. First time grow. Any/all inputs are appreciated. Thanks
I don't much like Miracle Grow products but their organic mix should be fine to veg young plants/clones just fine.

Those clones are showing normal droopiness as they aren't in a dome to keep the RH up. It's also normal to see some yellowing as they now have decent light and are trying to veg but don't have the root system yet to get all they need from the soil so stealing what they can from the older leaves.

Tossing more stuff at them will end up with overdoses but seeing as how you went and flushed for no good reason they may need a mild dose of well balanced feed to keep them on track. Let the pots dry out first before feeding/watering or you'll end up with overwatering problems. That means you may not have to water the big pot for 2 weeks or even more. In a week those plants will have roots deep into the pots as long as you watered them until saturated like you should. Don't water just because the top couple inches is dry. Hoist the pots to feel the weight and water once they are feeling really light but the plants aren't drooping yet.

They'll be fine but I would have rigged a little dome over each with a bamboo stick and clear bread bag or something like it. Couple holes in top and voila! A humidity dome.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
I also have clones that I got from a dips early and 2 of them are very droopy and I’m not sure why they were just transplanted to a grow closet doc and top feed system could any have any recommendations anything would help
They'll be fine but I would have rigged a little dome over each with a bamboo stick and clear bread bag or something like it. Couple holes in top and voila! A humidity dome.

Good luck!
PS: Don't spray the plants themselves but just the inside of the bag or dome that you use. They will absorb the extra humidity and stand up proud.
