Droopy girls


Active Member
Hey all
Started these from seeds.
San Bacio Gelato

They were growing great in 4" pots then u transplanted to 15g pots.
They had very nice root balls.

The 15g pots have Promix HP for medium

I soaked the plants prior to transplanting and watered the medium well.
They did get shock for a few days but haven't really fully recovered.

Can't really tell if they are over watered, under watered or need nutes? To this Pont they really haven't been fed anything.

I don't see the claw effect from over watering...

Can you tell by looking at these?

Used to RDWC and this is first time Growing outdoors so not overly familiar.

Thanks all!


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When i transplant my girls, i do an aloe Vera soil drench. It feeds them and makes them have little to no effect of transplant shock. Soil drench still good in aiding plants now though
Going from the 4" to 15 gallon is where you went wrong.. Roots wander with no structure.. Makes it easy to over water.. You need to go to a 1 or 2 or 5 (if you're young) gallon and let them build a bigger more structured root ball before the big pot.. Just let em dry.. They should come around..
Going from the 4" to 15 gallon is where you went wrong.. Roots wander with no structure.. Makes it easy to over water.. You need to go to a 1 or 2 or 5 (if you're young) gallon and let them build a bigger more structured root ball before the big pot.. Just let em dry.. They should come around..
But the promix HP always feel dry. I did a full drain to waste on Tuesday and today it was completely dry. Top 3" bone dry, next 3" slightly dry and below that somewhat moist but barely....
It has been a bit windy and these pots allow air in all around.

I was using 6.3 ph but understanding this is soiless I have dropped to 5.9 ph on water.

I'm hoping since it's been 4 days since transplant they are still a bit shocked.
Wow if I soaked 15g pots they would take 2 weeks to dry out! You're there I'm not if they need water give em water..
They just look a little stressed.. They're prolly trying to fill that pot with roots.. Another tip, don't water before you transplant water after.. No shock
I did a reread.. So you haven't fed yet?
Wow if I soaked 15g pots they would take 2 weeks to dry out! You're there I'm not if they need water give em water..
They just look a little stressed.. They're prolly trying to fill that pot with roots.. Another tip, don't water before you transplant water after.. No shock
I did a reread.. So you haven't fed yet?
Prior to transplant I gave them Gold Roots and like 50ppm food every 3 days.

So the day of transPlant(saturday) they got soaked in a mycorrhizae solution.

Monday feeding of 600ppm

Wednesday ph water

Prior to transplant they were perky and growing like crazy. The roots and root ball looked picture perfect Prior to transplant.
I think they're just getting their roots established.. They really don't look bad, just not happy.. Let's see what happens in a couple days..
"They were growing great in 4" pots then u transplanted to 15g pots. "

They're in shock from the transplant, and watch your outside temps