Droopy green leaves, purple stems.


Well-Known Member
I decided to plant my mothers this time in soil instead of doing hydro and I'm having some problems.

They are 30days from seed and have begun to droop. Leaves are green but wrinkly and droopy. Stems have begun to turn purple.

I've been watering every other day or every 3 days depending on the weight of the pot with Canna Terra at about 16ml a gallon, phd to 6.2. Every other feed I dose with CalMag at 3-5ml a gallon. PPM (700) is normally between 800-900ppm.

the room is between 74-75 degrees 50% RH.

first it was just one plant and now it has started in two other.


Well, right off the bat it appears that they may be being over fertilized to the point of nutrient toxicity. It's hard to tell but some of the leaves look like they are suffering from a minor "clawing" which is a symptom of nutrient issues especially nitrogen toxicity. I'm thinking they may also have been overwatered, unless you know for sure they haven't. Feel the leaves and stems and observe if they feel swollen with water and extra "hard and snappy". I would wait until it needs water (completely dry, but not yet noticeable wilt) and then starting watering with properly Ph'd water, and water only. Also i would most definitely transplant them into bigger pots, this would help solve watering problems, And create a bigger area for nutrients to be present and spread out in. Have you checked the roots? For sure not rootbound?


Well-Known Member
Probably not used to the change in mediums. They're very dark too.

Thing with soil is that it doesnt have to be soaking wet. Just moist below the surface.

The nutrient regime is different with soil too. I think the uptake is a bit slower than in a liquid medium.


Well-Known Member
I usually water when the pots are light, the first inch or so is completely dry but below that is moist but not wet. Is this too soon?

i will transplant to bigger pots and see if that helps keep the from drying out as quick. Maybe they were drying out too often and then i over ferted.
Yes that's too soon to water. You don't need to water those containers if an inch down in the soil is still obviously containing moisture, all that means is at the bottom of the pot is even more moisture still. You should water them just before they would REALLY need water. You shouldn't wait until you see obvious signs of needing water (wilting), but when the soil is completely dried and the plant is going to need to search for water to absorb. Eventually you'll notice when the plant needs to be watered just from how the stems and leaves feel when examined.