Droopy leaves day after feeding


Well-Known Member
A couple of my plants got droopy a day after I fed with 4TBSP Fox farm Big bloom, 2TSP Molasses, 1.5TSP Fox farm Grow big, and about .5 TBSP of ph up per 2 gallons of water testing at 6.2 ph and 1EC. using fox farm ocean forest soil, 645watt luxx light, room is always 83 degrees and 45% humidity. Any info is appreciated thanks.


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I use 1 tablespoon of Big Bloom per 2 gallons of water. Also, what PH is your plain water? I use PH down, not up, after adding the nutrients, to get to PH=6.50. Other than that, it looks overwatered, how often do you water?
I use 1 tablespoon of Big Bloom per 2 gallons of water. Also, what PH is your plain water? I use PH down, not up, after adding the nutrients, to get to PH=6.50. Other than that, it looks overwatered, how often do you water?

I was going to say overwatered too, but after looking at the soil it looks bone dry and thats not even mentioning that the leaves look super dark green which would suggest nitrogen toxicity. Usually they look "full" when they have been over watered but this looks different. Im not personally familar with underwatering, but thats what it almost looks like.
It could be a response to overfeeding too much Big Bloom, I did that once but I don't remember if they drooped like this or not. I do recall they didn't like it, and I flushed with clean water asap, they recovered fine. The PH = 6.2 is a little low, I always aim for 6.50.
My water originally is about 6.2ph and after I add my nutrients it goes down to 5ph so that is why I use ph up. Also the big bloom instructions suggest a general feeding of 4tbsp per gallon and im using 4tbsp per TWO gallons. I have also used this same exact nutrient mix (big bloom, grow big, molasses) but at half strength on all the plants before and they loved it thats why I increased the dosage. I dont believe I am over/underwatering they get watered every other/ everyday 2 days depends on how high the fan is set to
So big bloom is actually fairly light in nature. It is the only organic offering of bottled nutes from fox farms.

I doubt it caused that. In fact you have an overload of nitrogen going on there.

Looks like coupled with over watering.
Thanks wizzle. Would you say its okay to keep using big bloom and molasses and cut out the grow big? I plan on switching to flower in the next 2 weeks when all the plants are 100% healthy.
My water originally is about 6.2ph and after I add my nutrients it goes down to 5ph so that is why I use ph up. Also the big bloom instructions suggest a general feeding of 4tbsp per gallon and im using 4tbsp per TWO gallons. I have also used this same exact nutrient mix (big bloom, grow big, molasses) but at half strength on all the plants before and they loved it thats why I increased the dosage. I dont believe I am over/underwatering they get watered every other/ everyday 2 days depends on how high the fan is set to
1. Forget the big bloom instructions, it is too strong. You can do what you want, but you said yourself you increased the dosage from what they liked before, and now there are problems. The only way to really tell is to cut out all nutrients, flush with clean water, start over at low strength and work up from there. Less = More.

2. If you are watering every other day, or even every 2 days, that is watering too often IMO. A plant that size in that plastic pot (not fabric pot), if watered until the pot is soaked with 20% runoff water, will not dry out in 2 days. It should take at least 3-4 days. If you water every 2 days, the pot will not dry out and the roots will not get enough oxygen. For cannabis plants, the roots need oxygen as much as the leaves need light and CO2, that is why the method of watering is so critical to overall plant health, harvest quality and yield.

The proper method for watering is to soak the pot and let it dry out, and I mean dry, like almost saraha desert dry, right before they droop. I use a scale to be sure I have enough patience and force myself to wait until the pot dries out. Sometimes, this means I wait an extra day waiting to water compared to if I just guessed when they need water. I am terrible at estimating the weight by picking the pot up, especially when the difference is just 25 or 50 grams, not very much weight but the difference between watering now and waiting another day.

I was going to say overwatered too, but after looking at the soil it looks bone dry and thats not even mentioning that the leaves look super dark green which would suggest nitrogen toxicity. Usually they look "full" when they have been over watered but this looks different. Im not personally familar with underwatering, but thats what it almost looks like.
He just said he is watering either every day or every other day, so definitely over watering.
Thanks wizzle. Would you say its okay to keep using big bloom and molasses and cut out the grow big? I plan on switching to flower in the next 2 weeks when all the plants are 100% healthy.
Yea your probably fine with that.

Big bloom is a 0-5-5. No nitrogen at all.

But I would sincerely go low with any nutes you give and you have to get the watering in check.
Hmmm ok. I really wish OP would put a couple more pictures up so we can see if anything changed.
I flushed the plant yesterday with regular water, still no improvements but its not getting worse so I will wait a few days and water with regular water again.


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1. Forget the big bloom instructions, it is too strong. You can do what you want, but you said yourself you increased the dosage from what they liked before, and now there are problems. The only way to really tell is to cut out all nutrients, flush with clean water, start over at low strength and work up from there. Less = More.

2. If you are watering every other day, or even every 2 days, that is watering too often IMO. A plant that size in that plastic pot (not fabric pot), if watered until the pot is soaked with 20% runoff water, will not dry out in 2 days. It should take at least 3-4 days. If you water every 2 days, the pot will not dry out and the roots will not get enough oxygen. For cannabis plants, the roots need oxygen as much as the leaves need light and CO2, that is why the method of watering is so critical to overall plant health, harvest quality and yield.

The proper method for watering is to soak the pot and let it dry out, and I mean dry, like almost saraha desert dry, right before they droop. I use a scale to be sure I have enough patience and force myself to wait until the pot dries out. Sometimes, this means I wait an extra day waiting to water compared to if I just guessed when they need water. I am terrible at estimating the weight by picking the pot up, especially when the difference is just 25 or 50 grams, not very much weight but the difference between watering now and waiting another day.

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My pots are damn near bone dry and very light after 2 days of not watering, and i do water to runoff. Every time I have waited 3+ days to water the plants they become extremely droopy and take another 2-3 days just to bounce back after being watered. I understand letting the entire soil to dry is important before watering again but is it normal to let your plants get droopy before you water? or would it be better to catch it a day earlier to avoid stressing the plant from being underwatered? Im still in my first year of growing so I am just curious.
If its taking 2-3 days to perk up thats no good, also my plants are 1/3rd of yours and are taking 8 cups of water every 2 days now.

I don't use any nutes, just plain old 24-8-16 plant food, once every 2 weeks at 50% recommend dilution. Just my personal opinion, but after all the reading I've done and a little growing, I'm of the opinion that nute cocktails are completely unnecessary and I think your problem might be that.

I water when drooping and 20 minutes later....
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My pots are damn near bone dry and very light after 2 days of not watering, and i do water to runoff. Every time I have waited 3+ days to water the plants they become extremely droopy and take another 2-3 days just to bounce back after being watered. I understand letting the entire soil to dry is important before watering again but is it normal to let your plants get droopy before you water? or would it be better to catch it a day earlier to avoid stressing the plant from being underwatered? Im still in my first year of growing so I am just curious.
Yeah, i was just about to ask you how is your medium..

I thouight so, ive seen overwatered and that doesnt look like it. I would give it a drink but dont flood the pot, but give it a little at a time over an hour and see how it responds. Dont let it get so dry that its "bone dry". I would suggest getting fabric pots because they are amazing for helping you not over/under water because they breathe so well.
My pots are damn near bone dry and very light after 2 days of not watering, and i do water to runoff. Every time I have waited 3+ days to water the plants they become extremely droopy and take another 2-3 days just to bounce back after being watered. I understand letting the entire soil to dry is important before watering again but is it normal to let your plants get droopy before you water? or would it be better to catch it a day earlier to avoid stressing the plant from being underwatered? Im still in my first year of growing so I am just curious.
No, it is not normal to wait until they droop. It is possible they are underwatered if they respond like that. The pot looks large enough that it would not dry out in 2 days but anything is possible. I would switch to fabric pots to give the plants the air they need to breathe.
No, it is not normal to wait until they droop. It is possible they are underwatered if they respond like that. The pot looks large enough that it would not dry out in 2 days but anything is possible. I would switch to fabric pots to give the plants the air they need to breathe.
Im glad you pointed that out. :lol: :wall:

I wish they would have said in the beginning, "someone told me to let them really dry out", then we would have probably found the solution quicker lol

edit: Oh and OP when you see this, letting the container dry out is good, its healthy for cannabis to grow through cycles, but its not good to let it get desert dry. The little fine hairs at the ends of the roots which help with not only picking up nutrients, but are also responsible for enlarging the root surface area, which is super important if you want a healthy root structure, will dry out and die when you let it get that dry. It wont be the end of the world but it definitely sets you back. Thats not even mentioning that when you let it dry out that much, you actually change the ph at the roots causing potentially other problems with nutrient imbalances. Outside the ground should always be a little moist unless you are going through a drought.
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Im glad you pointed that out. :lol: :wall:

I wish they would have said in the beginning, "someone told me to let them really dry out", then we would have probably found the solution quicker lol
It can be really hard to tell from pictures, I still think too much Big Bloom is part of the problem. Hopefully it perks back up soon!