Droopy leaves in vegetative?


Hello. I was wondering why my plant leaves are drooping. I have two plants and I water them 3 to 4 times a day. They both get the same amount of water. My ak 48 is doing fine, but some of the leaves on my bubbelicious are droopy. Mostly the top sets. Are they too heavy? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
3-4 times A DAY!?!?

I'll bet this month's paycheques it is over watering.

You need to wait between waterings until the pot is near or completely dry.

How old are your plants?



Active Member
lol... exactly what Spek said.. :D I overwatered when i had my 1st plant as well lol. Some plants can go days without needing water so the fact ur watering that many times a day is stressing the plant out so relax. let ur plant sit for a while and don't water it! when u feel like u should water it again check the soil if ur soil is still moist 2-3 inches down ur still good man. hope that helps :D


Well-Known Member
All of my plants are in 2L Coke bottles right from clone, and they go straight into the flowering tent. My White Widows get to about 36" tall after they are done stretch, and even then, I only need to water them every two days (sometimes I'm too lazy and wait to day 3).

The clones that are less than two weeks after putting into the 2L pots only need water once every 3-4 days, then they go into the every-two-days routine with the larger ones.

Practice and experience will quickly allow you to dictate when your pots are light enough (ie. dry enough), but definitely more than once per day is way too much.
