Droopy leaves normal?


Being my first grow, I'm excited with my progress but are leaves supposed to be this droopy or is something going wrong? currently using ffof for soil, with 6-6.5 ph water, 3 42w Cfls 2.8k lumens each.
Thanks for any advice



All to common mistake, we are all guilty of. Let your plants tell you when they are thirsty...finding that happy comfort zone takes some time but you will figure it out :)

Best of luck!!!


Well-Known Member
makes sense thanks for the replies, is there an easy way to tell when plants need to be watered?
stick your finger about an inch and a half down, if it feels dry it's time to water. When I grew in soil I usually watered once a week.


makes sense thanks for the replies, is there an easy way to tell when plants need to be watered?
Finger test works, a cheap moisture meter is another option. Don't get too anxious about over watering, being a newb I was/am a worried father and finally took the advice to let the plants tell me when they were thirsty.

In soil my mothers usually take up 1/2 gallon every other day, thats under a 400W MH in 2 gallon pots. The clones usually get 1-2 cups every other other day. All seem happy.


Also your plants are going to need much more room to root than a solo cup. I would look into transplanting very soon, but yes as the guys above have said the obvious problem looks like overwatering by the dampness of your soil.
