Droopy plants


DYestaday I repotted my plants from small Pots into
10liter pots.they are just over 2weeks into veg.
i checked my plants this mornin to find that all the leafs
are drooping down.before I repotted they was all ok.
is this normal or not..



Well-Known Member
You shocked them and that is a serious no no and they are going to die!!! lol I am just kidding they will be fine let them adjust and they should bounce back in no time.


Active Member
it called transplant shock. Its like some thing made you sick and you feel like total shit. Then you puke and your totally fine after.


Well-Known Member
next time when you transplant, you can toss a little liquid b-1 from any nursery in the hole and it helps them take off when transplanting