droopy, yellowish, and leaves are starting to "tube"


Active Member
Hi Folks,
First time poster, long time reader.
I've got some plants that are about 2 months old. They've been yellowish on and off through their whole childhood, but it didn't bother me too much (this is a first time grow with some real ghetto seeds). Two weeks ago they started to droop down a little and I asked my green-thumbed girlfriend what was up and she said they needed water (I rarely water these guys - I've had the most luck with plants in general by watering them as little as possible). I watered them and they perked right up. Anyway, they started to droop again last week, so I watered them again and the results were the same - they perked up again.
They started to droop again yesterday and before I go nuts with the watering can, I wanted some expert advice - the drooping looks a little different this time and the leaves feel kind of flaccid.
Tell me what you guys think. The yellow shit in the back ground of the third picture are dish gloves for handling the chicken shit fertilizer (not just for the pot plants).
Oh yeah, the details: Ghetto seeds someone gave me; plain old organic potting soil; chicken shit fertilizer; I mist them once a day; I don't measure the ph or anything fancy.
Thanks in advance!



Active Member
Well, Id say you have a problem. If your using a regular soil thats probably not good enough. Chicken Shit? really? I don't know about that one.
1st you need drainage in the buckets to clear salts and wasted nuts. Second watch the watering, keep a consistent cycle when you water. its good to wait until they droop a little and then water because then they are using every thing possible. Some basic grow nutrients such as Botanicare Grow and Bloom would def. help.
There might be a Mg deficiency but you should tell that. Usually the leaves on the edges will curl up toward the light.


Active Member
It ended up just being lack of water - I guess the bigger the plants, the more thirsty they get. The buckets already have drainage but what is a wasted nut? Also, I'll worry about buying the fancier nutrients when I get seeds that I care about more since botanicare is basically bird shit with a little bit of worm shit and fish food added - no sense in overlapping coverage. Thanks for the input and stay high my friend.