Drug Addict for President and it aint weed


Well-Known Member
Yes well there happens to be those of us who still have integrity and an unwavering adherence to principles and convictions. Unlike those whom choose to prostitute their convictions and buy into the machine. By choosing a candidate who has a demonstrative track record of voting to usurp the Constitution, one is sending the message that the Constitution is not terribly important.

Now go fix the search engine...That is of course if you know your PHP and mySQL.


Well-Known Member
Yes well there happens to be those of us who still have integrity and an unwavering adherence to principles and convictions. Unlike those whom choose to prostitute their convictions and buy into the machine. By choosing a candidate who has a demonstrative track record of voting to usurp the Constitution, one is sending the message that the Constitution is not terribly important.

Now go fix the search engine...That is of course if you know your PHP and mySQL.

not my job. hell i don't even have access so, ......................

i'm wide open on my vote. no help from you. if you truly believed in all this then i would think you would be willing to help others understand. nope, you just wanna be belittling instead. :roll:


Well-Known Member
i'm wide open on my vote.
I beg to differ. And if you're truly "wide open" as you say, then I'd surmise that you fall into one of three categories...

1) You don't understand, or possibly care, where your convictions lie.


2) You have not scrutinized your candidates by using your convictions as the Litmus Test.


3) You know where your convictions lie, but you're willing to compromise them.


Well-Known Member
"ron paul"

it's over. deal with it. try again in 4. can't knock you for going down with the ship though. valiant effort. :clap::clap:

I am not a fair-weather friend, nor do I compromise my own ideals and standards just because someone is perceived, or even IS, the loser, fdd. I have to go to the grave with my own actions and behavior. We all do. These are some of the regrets I won't have.

Besides, it's like with McCain. Even though our population is aging overall, this is likely his last hurrah. Can't cheat Mother Nature, you know. ;)


Well-Known Member
you helped a little. :blsmoke::peace:
i'm still not sure though.
This is always difficult. You have no idea how much time I've put into researching different candidates, issues, etcetera. Even then, there's just no way that I'll ever find a candidate or a law that I agree with 100%. Even with Ron Paul, there are some things he's said that really bother me. I had to address those, examine them, chew on them for quite some time, then come to a decision and resolution.

Number one rule for candidates; do they impinge upon rights (generally), or do they like to give rights where none existed? Newcomers have to make intelligent statements, I scrutinize EVERYTHING (which is why I don't usually vote the full-on Libertarian party ticket, there are some real whack jobs in my party).

Number one rule for any measures, proposals, or legislation; do I understand it? If I can't understand it, if the plan has not been spelled out to a T, then I vote NO. I never ever rely on the ads on tv, those are usually extremely misleading, up to and including listing who supports or opposes a given measure or proposal.

Maybe I should have majored in Poli Sci when I was in school, might not have dropped out. Then again, I value my own privacy too highly.

If you want links to some of the sites that I use to help me learn about the politicians, let me know.


Well-Known Member
This is always difficult. You have no idea how much time I've put into researching different candidates, issues, etcetera. Even then, there's just no way that I'll ever find a candidate or a law that I agree with 100%. Even with Ron Paul, there are some things he's said that really bother me. I had to address those, examine them, chew on them for quite some time, then come to a decision and resolution.

Number one rule for candidates; do they impinge upon rights (generally), or do they like to give rights where none existed? Newcomers have to make intelligent statements, I scrutinize EVERYTHING (which is why I don't usually vote the full-on Libertarian party ticket, there are some real whack jobs in my party).

Number one rule for any measures, proposals, or legislation; do I understand it? If I can't understand it, if the plan has not been spelled out to a T, then I vote NO. I never ever rely on the ads on tv, those are usually extremely misleading, up to and including listing who supports or opposes a given measure or proposal.

Maybe I should have majored in Poli Sci when I was in school, might not have dropped out. Then again, I value my own privacy too highly.

If you want links to some of the sites that I use to help me learn about the politicians, let me know.

i'm an american. i'm lazy. i have always voted but never cared. with all that's going on this election it's caused people to look closer. i'm looking a little closer. i'm still lazy though. i really don't want to research. 'cause i'm an american and i'm lazy. but i care. so it's getting closer. plus i'm not real "politically wise". i can't learn all this in 2 months. i'm lazy. i'm still "wide open". 'cause i'm lazy. :peace::mrgreen::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


New Member
I'm for Obama. He will be better than McCain. Paul is not on the ticket and even if he were I have issues with his privatization agenda. People that are so self righteous as to still vote for Paul must have very tight asses, or loose minds. It is throwing your vote away, let me repeat. A Vote for Ron Paul is throwing your vote away. Signed Med.


New Member
I want a candidate that tells me what THEY are going to do FOR me.

Not a candidate that tells me what the other guy isn't going to do for me.

I get so tired of them pointing fingers and crybabying like little snot nosed brats.

It's like there should be a moderator that stands with them saying "eyes on your own paper".


Well-Known Member
I'm for Obama. He will be better than McCain. Paul is not on the ticket and even if he were I have issues with his privatization agenda. People that are so self righteous as to still vote for Paul must have very tight asses, or loose minds. It is throwing your vote away, let me repeat. A Vote for Ron Paul is throwing your vote away. Signed Med.
Funny, the self-righteous bit coming from you of all people. :lol:


Well-Known Member
What would you call voting for a non-entity for supposed integrity of thought? Self righteous! Oh, signed, Med.
he keeps screaming how they are taking our 4th amendment rights, yet he is the one installing the devices to spy on us. that just funny. :-P:-P


Well-Known Member
what does self righteous mean?

In medicineman's context, I actually don't know. I think he's making an accusation towards those of us who refuse to give up our ideals and ideology. But I can't always be sure with him.
What would you call voting for a non-entity for supposed integrity of thought? Self righteous! Oh, signed, Med.
Ah! Well, there ya go. Apparently we're supposed to hang our heads and follow along. :)
he keeps screaming how they are taking our 4th amendment rights, yet he is the one installing the devices to spy on us. that just funny. :-P:-P
Not exactly, though he does work for the local phone company and is in a higher up position, so must be "kept in the loop", so to speak.
So, what would you have the sole wage-earner in our household do?


Well-Known Member
I can't see any of this really making squat difference . . . anyone thinking the President is any more than a figurehead for some secret society (freemasons?) hasn't been paying attention. If you didn't know exactly what Gee Dubya was going to do if elected, you are either very young, or fantasizing! I mean, oils up X00 %. Ya'll didn't see that coming? Gimme a break. I don't even drive anymore, yet had no doubt about this happening.
McCain I really dug in 00' . . . he missed his boat. Other than that, my mid-20's daughter is/was jacked about Obama, I know nothing of his campaign wishes/promises.
IT's all crap.
When it became a game of hundred's of millions of dollars to get elected, it became impossible for most to ever dream of being the President of the U.S. (who'd want to?)

Let's face it. Some kind of social revolution awaits reality. Until, and only IF government stops trying to dictate morality, then it's just a matter of choosing the best of the worst. I don't play, but am in a 2 vote, Blue state, so it's not like it counts.

I'd love to believe this election might mirror Kennedy's (minus the murder) but don't see that happening again until after the market bottoms out and we lazy Americans get a big dose of humble pie.