drug counseling


I have mandatory drug counseling. If i dont attend i wont be allowed back in school. The first day is tomorrow and i need to kno if i will be drug tested. does anyone have a clue weather or not i will be drug tested?


Active Member
ya..you pry will..every place is differnt but hell...just be honist pacient confidentiality they cant tell anybody shit if you dont sighn a release of info fourm...alot of drug councilers used to be drug users they arent looking to bust you..they rly wana help they're mostly good ppl

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
bull shit! Drug counslers are fucking dick heads to kids! Every one that I ran into when I was a kid was a cunt! Your best bet is to lie your ass off like you are clean and sober and just play the fucking game! Don't argue with them don't say anything that will cause waves! Just go through the motions and get out! I went through two treatment centers and 2 years of AA when I was a kid. Trust me just play the game and don't get caught on school smoking or doing whatever you got caught doing that landed you in this situation. Be smart and do that shit at home! You can wait!


Active Member
they have you do it at the start and end of the whole thing, so yeah they prob will expect to find whatever in your system but by the end of the sessions you better find a way to piss clean. cuz thats how they usually do it.