DRUG TEST HELP - Will I pass??

Will I pass or fail?

  • PASS urine analysis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • FAIL urine analysis

    Votes: 2 100.0%

  • Total voters
Hello all. I would love some of your all's opinion on whether or not I will be able to pass an upcoming drug test.


Age = Early 20's Male
Weight = 160 lb, about 10% body fat, very slim
Exercise = Cardio/Yoga/Weights everyday for last 5 years, can run marathon
Usage = 5-10 dabs everyday for last 6 months
Diet = Extremely Clean, mainly vegetables and fruits

Do you all think I can pass a pre-employment urine analysis drug test if I take a 19 day tolerance break. If I will pass, do you think I will need to dilute with water and vitamins the day of?

Thank you all for your help! I appreciate it!
Unless your guna use fake puss oops I mean piss my bad ..you need to quit smoking now , not later ......there is a way you can pass for sure ....however I honestly don't like sharing this technique with people ....I learned it from the infamous @tyler.durden a year or so ago and it cost me .....even though he is a huge penis wrinkle his technique did work ....so it was worth the price I guess ....
With all due respect to the others here, I think it's pretty possible to pass your pee test with a 19 day flush. The only wrinkle I see is that you use dabs, so that may take a bit longer. Have you tried taking a home drug test? Don't dilute when you test yourself and see what results you get.
Also, if you can dilute and get away with it you should. If they don't check your urine specific gravity when they test how would they know?
I have taken 7 wizz quizzes, all within the last 15 yrs. Smoking for 47 yrs, almost daily. 1 week no smoking, 1 pack of gel pectin in gatorade the night before, same thing morning of the quiz along with 1/2 to 1 gal of water with vit B complex to bring back the yellow tint. I've past every test