You win the internet!abstinence for a few months, or use someone else's piss. I've still got trace amounts of urine in my thc samples.
Vinager, despite wivestales does nothing to purify your system unless you are taking it for meth. Studies showmeth comes out faster when your system is more acidic but that is it. If you smoke a lot you can fail for months...I would use Vale. It works great for weed and I have used it plenty of times. Drink a lot of water in the days coming up to the test and that will make it easier. Or you could just drink a gallon of water. It sucks but it works. I have pissed clean for everything except for coke drinking water...pot is the easiest thing to beat and Vale is made specifically for pot. Worth the $30. Don't use Zytox I failed with it and the purifiers at gnc suck too.
They need a warrant to do melbourne the cops not only do random breath tests for alcohol but they also do random drug tests for dope and speed and others. You dont get a choice, and if you dont give a sample thats a mouth swab you loose your drivers licence!!!!!