OK, so I was in vegas over the weekend and caught caught.. twice, anyways my point is i'm going to start getting tested around once a month. I will never know the exact date but I'll have rough 3 day estimates. It will most likely be a UA test (I think that's urinary?) so me question is what can I do to past these tests? So far I plan on stopping a week before a test, loosing about 5 pounds by exercising my ass off during that week, drinking a glass of water and a glass of tea at least once every 3 hours during the beginning and once an hour during the end, etc. I don't think this will be enough so I can buy detox if I need but it'd be great if I didn't have to waste the money and it's $50 max. My other question is.. well.. let me start off somewhere else. I'm kind of fat. Not really fat but.. er.. chubby. My BMI is like 30 I think so will my fat hold more THC longer therefore making it harder for me to pass a test? Will it be easier to pass tests if I loose a lot of weight? Thanks