Drug War Victims


Well-Known Member
Very Sad. This so called "war on drugs" is killing more people, and ruining more lives then the actual drugs themselves would ever even come close to.

People need to see this kind of thing. I think this has been allowed to continue because Soo many people believe the LIES that our government leaders and politicians tell us. "we must protect our children at any cost". What a sham! Do you think the government really gives a shit about you or your children? Absolutely not. It all comes down to money and power.


Active Member
The reason this is allowed to continue is because the people are too stupid to realize the police are here to protect us and not the other way around. The police have so many more rights than civillians because they are "constantly in danger" and thats bullshit. They signed up for that job, they signed up for the danger, they signed up to protect US. And if they kill an innocent person they need to be subject to the same laws as civillians. It is not ok for ANYONE to get away with murder.


Active Member
In short, If we held the individual responsible, it wouldnt matter what lies the government tells us. The simple problem is that police are allowed to kill anyone as long as they can come up with a good enough story, and if they cant, they can change it later. Wether people like cannabis or not, they should wake up and decide how they feel about murder.
what a sad news. :(
make love not war.


"I think that marijuana makes you stupid but sensual. I've watched many of my friends and loved ones become more erotic and dumber--just going around with a glazed expression on their faces from their last orgasms to the next--and found them really quite boring."
