Assuming there is an intelligent agent or some form of designer, why would he come down to earth and set out a list of rules for us to follow, not animals, bacteria, disease? Why did he make a special book for the humans to live by, what is his goal? Is there a different book for every civilization on other planets? Or are we the only conscious civilization in the universe? Why are there dissenting points of view if there is one truth? Why is there so much that can be explained where the holy books claim divinity? There are an endless stream of questions that can be asked causing you to drop your jaw and reconsider your blind faith.
I think it was morgantaler on a different thread that said, just because you believe that a car won't swerve into your cars lane and hit you head on doesn't mean that it won't happen, it is just a reassurance that some need to have. The same with a GOD figure or an afterlife, it is just a lift raft to cling to, but it really doesn't matter because you are miles away from any land in the middle of a storm with waves crashing on top of you, and rain pelting your face, sooner or later you are going to have to let go. You have to just face the facts that religion in general is a way of explaining what couldn't be explained. As well many religions including Christianity are in majority astrological devices used for mapping the stars, and about moral control of the population. If you presented the idea of a GOD who punished the bad and gave the good a second life forever in heaven, people would jump all over that. The kind of disease and poverty that were very much prevalent in that day would have ignited an extreme fundamentalism from the word for word interpretation that is carried through the ages.
Quantum physic theory suggests that the universe began as an infinitely small point that was one entity, which then progressed to expand and divide itself into mainly light and energy, which were then divided into sub atomic particles, which then associated into an atomic structure and proceeded to condense as stars. These implications are profound, it details that when you believe something you somehow effect the experiment that you are observing, meaning that if most of a population believes something the dissenting thoughts on the argument are drowned out and cast aside. Not meaning the actual metaphysics of consciousness but just in a real world sense, I can't subscribe to the Quantum field theory or string theory yet, but have been experimenting with the revelation myself and have had very strong spiritual experiences in regards of being able to shape my experience. It also ties hand in hand with Eastern philosophy, so it is fairly easy to live by as most eastern philosophy is very minimalist, and the drug culture has taught me that with out so much as a sneeze. So with so many counter culture in absolute unison you may ask your self what is the true counter culture?