Dry Trimmer: The most delicate bud groomer by GreenBroz


Well-Known Member
Hi guys and gals,

I'm RollaP (Patrick) and a longtime member here at Rollitup.org. I've been blessed with a new career. I am now one of the GreenBroz, Inc Brothers. I wanted to introduce the worlds first bud groomer. The most delicate machine to ever trim bud. Our newest version has a UV germicidal lamp (making it compliant with the coming regulations in Colorado), it can hold over a pound and process 16 pounds a day (30 minutes a Pound). This machine only weighs 35lbs and only uses 25 watts. This machine is available to every state and comes in two models. The standard (minus UV lamp) and the medical (with UV Lamp). Visit our site http://www.greenbroz.com/ to see how this or our other products can help you meet your goals without damaging purity or potency.
