Drying cuttings in AC vents?


Active Member
So I've been thinking about a place I can dry my cuttings when I harvest my first grow. I was going to put them on a tray in the seat of a car in my garage, surrounded by anti-humidity balls, but I think all the heat in the garage (Houston, 90s all day) will hurt the THC. But I have to dry them some place my girl won't see them or smell them.

What about the AC air intake vent? Right on top of the filter. Then I would surround them with anti-humidity balls and activated carbon.


So I've been thinking about a place I can dry my cuttings when I harvest my first grow. I was going to put them on a tray in the seat of a car in my garage, surrounded by anti-humidity balls, but I think all the heat in the garage (Houston, 90s all day) will hurt the THC. But I have to dry them some place my girl won't see them or smell them.

What about the AC air intake vent? Right on top of the filter. Then I would surround them with anti-humidity balls and activated carbon.



You have bigger issues to address before a place to dry your harvest is a problem..
"some place my girl won't see them or smell them."

Where will you let it cure? lol
I dont think its a good idea. Besides it generally being a nasty area and smelling up your house, besides all that your going to have humidity problems. Too low when unit is running , too high when off.
So what if I put them in a closet she very rarely goes. AC, so cool enough. In some box. On a tray, surrounded by trays of activated carbon and water-absorbing beads. Any problems with that?

How long does it take for them to dry enough to bag them up and seal it off? And you mentioned "curing" them - is that different than letting them dry? How long does THAT take lol?

If they are of any quality they would have a smell that would become noticeable to any nose. It sounds like you want a quick fast dry and quality is not in mind. In that case you could just drive out to the desert and have a fan and blow the really hot air on it. Also bring a microwave to nuke them for 15 seconds at a time. This will quickly dry them. You could even grind and chop it all up first and then lay it all out on a big tray and do everything mentioned. To increase surface area
Drying 10 days
Cure 3 weeks avg.

If u dry fast it wil turn to straw taste.

U need them the think they have not noot been chopped. Slow drying.

Hang 19degrees 65 humid avg dont worry about that better more than less.. i have to wrap mine in plastic 5 days to reduce the evap. Then syart to dry em

U need minimal air flow first 4 days just small movement around em
After day 5 i move em all to a tub together again to help increase humidity among em....

Day 8 bown bags
Day 10 cardboardboard box for 2 week

Then jar.

5 yrs and trust me any less and ur weed wil turn to fart.
Jar em before 2 weeks even when dry and ull kill the cure n get fart weed