Drying in a outdoor shed

66 north

Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever dried in a outdoor shed without power. I plan on drying on racks in a building without power my plans are to use 6 computer fans 1 per rack will it work and am i asking for mold. The bud will be trimmed down there will not be any stocks left on .


Well-Known Member
Just make sure that you have plenty of air space around each bud to prevent mold. There should be some air circulation. If it is a fairly air tight shed, I would leave the door open as much as possible.


Active Member
Just make sure that you have plenty of air space around each bud to prevent mold. There should be some air circulation. If it is a fairly air tight shed, I would leave the door open as much as possible.
Can i asked, my plant started flower on 1st of september how long should i leave it cos iv'e already had two cuttings nicked out of the same tent, sorry outside grown super skunk 2012-09-10 12.16.54.jpg2012-09-10 16.31.37.jpg2012-09-10 16.33.06.jpg2012-09-13 16.19.48.jpg

66 north

Well-Known Member
Has anyone done this before and how did it work out . the building isn't air tight by no means and there will be some air movement just what 6 computer fans will blow around .I see 150 visits someone here tried this ?


Active Member
i dryed some in a shed and it got moldy, probably cause the morning mist got in there or somthing.

66 north

Well-Known Member
No pictures just a 8x12 building that hasn't got the eaves boxed in. It has 6 computer fans at 1 end that runs of off 2 car batteries . This is quite a ways in the woods and pretty basic .


I have been drying in the same shed a just a wood garden shed about the same size and we dryed over a hundred plants in it and had no problem got fifty drying right now, no fan just air that circlelate though the shed I haveno ploblems with mold I live on the high ground so morning mist has never been problem


66 north

Well-Known Member
The sample dry doesn't seem to be working . The humidity at times is high we have had rain . Would some kind of a heater help it drop the humidity some and the building is at outdoor temp and the extra heat also help.

66 north

Well-Known Member
Well the job is done not before doing some modifications and using a small propane heater.The outdoor temp. were in the 50's with the heater it was 70+ inside .