Drying in a wardrobe box w fan??


Other tents are used!! Fan inside and make holes for exchange of air but still keep it dark!! Was told to keep as close to 60 degrees but prob only 70 w 60% humidity?? Any other suggestions?? Need to be cut tomm(2) of them!!


Active Member
i used to use a wardrobe box they work great now I just hang in a dark room but if you dont have the space they work great I dont really think you need a fan but thats just me


Well-Known Member
Other tents are used!! Fan inside and make holes for exchange of air but still keep it dark!! Was told to keep as close to 60 degrees but prob only 70 w 60% humidity?? Any other suggestions?? Need to be cut tomm(2) of them!!
As long as you have a little air flow and can keep temps in that range with proper humidity held in the air, you should be good.


Well-Known Member
I used wardrobe boxes. 2 pc fans. One high and the other low. Low one pulling in air and top exhaust. Ran dowel rods staggered through them. They work great. The cardboard itself absorbs some of the moisture.


Well-Known Member
I've used a 2x2 tent before, but aside from things like cardboard/cloth absorbing some of the moisture I think the key thing is to manage that airflow and humidity. I was worried about mold so I used a controller (AC Infinity fan with it's temp/humidity controls).

Also keeping the ambient room humidity up was the 2nd challenge for a winter harvest; I bought a big humidifier (large rez) with manual controls so that it would restart when paired with an Inkbird humidity controller.

That yielded my best dry/cure so far.


Well-Known Member
Other tents are used!! Fan inside and make holes for exchange of air but still keep it dark!! Was told to keep as close to 60 degrees but prob only 70 w 60% humidity?? Any other suggestions?? Need to be cut tomm(2) of them!!
You shouldnt need a fan inside that will likely dry way to fast. Just some holes in the box and a fan somewhere in the room, not pointed directly at that box.