Never put that by or under a HID light,touching can cause you HID to grenade and just having it under there kills potency and thc since thats what light and heat does.
I have a 400/600w bat wing i just sit it on my hood in some aluminum foil and depending on how hot the light is it should dry with-in a few hours.My hood was just cool to the touch now it's hot and i have some bud on there now.Want a quicker way? Put your micro-wave on 40% power and find a plastic container with a lid,Put a paper towel in the container,put the bud(s) in the container,wet another paper towel and wring it out,place wet paper towel on top of bowl,then put the lid on leaving one corner open and micro-wave for 30sec-2 minutes,then take lid off and let any steam or heat out,if the lower paper towel is wet replace it,make sure the top paper towel is still moist when you put the bud back in the micro-wave,repeat until bud is to a dry consistency you like.I don't recommend going over 2 minutes,you should try 30 seconds first.You will retain 80-90%
potency from these buds,i don't too much like the hood drying but it's less work.Remember 40% power level or you will cook you buds.