Drying MacGyver

Well I got the doors closed so it's really just going through the cracks creating a light general breeze I learned when I just let the box do the work it was a little too warm and the buds stretched out or opened up I should say and didn't get rock hard
I do something similar... I have wicker baskets, and then just put a box fan on top of them.... works great. If I want to slow down the drying, I just put the one basket on top of the other and put the fan on the side. I give the buds the ole "pan cake flip" to "unstick all the buds from each other and to make sure that mold doesn't build up.
That sounds really interesting do you have any pictures

Not off hand, just think of a 1 foot square wicker basket, but the wicker is made from plastic. It's got pretty high sides that are probably about 10 inches high.. I just pick up a window/box fan, and put the whole thing on top, balancing it on the top of the basket.

I usually do that for the first 2-3 days after harvest, until they get a bit "crispy" on the outside of the bud, but not DRY...

Then I put it all in mason jars and check them 3 times a day, in the I close the jars, lunch time, I open them, supper time, I close them, before bed, I open them and let the stay over night open topped.

Then in the morning close them up.

All this time I keep a fan blowing lightly over the tops of the jars.