Drying plants in 80°F and 70% humidity enviroment


Well-Known Member
Greetings, growers

I'm about to harvest and dry my Blue Dream and Train Wreck plants but after analyzing my drying enviroment I started to ask myself: How am I going to dry my plants in 80°F and 70% humidity enviroment? I'm going to dry in my garage inside a cardboard box because my grow tent is still occupied by other plants.
  1. By cutting the whole plant and drying upside down?
  2. By cutting branches and drying upside down?
  3. By cutting buds and drying inside a drying rack?
I have to ask you not because I don't read the Internet but because I read that if humidity is high then I cut off buds and dry inside a drying rack but how to act when high humidity is mixed with very high temperature?
If you ask me about my grow room enviroment, I tell that it's hot af there due to technical issues and my plants barely made it to the end.

Please, help me out here. <3
lower temps would be a lot better, high humidity and high temps together are asking for mold. if you have no other option, i would cut them off the stems and use a drying rack, and keep a damn close eye on them as they dry.
I dont have any experience with drying much, but I know airflow keeps mold at bay, I wouldn't suggest putting a fan directly on the drying bud. But if you can make sure the room has a good amount of airflow in there. I would think it would help.
Yes I agree cut them off stems use drying rack best advice for your situation. Also many may not agree but you can still dry in the grow tent just hang drying rack above the light on the top bar of the tent. So the light isn’t directly on them.