Drying q


Do buds dry better and or faster when they are hanging on the branches still or should I cut them off and put them on a drying rack?


Well-Known Member
I like to hang dry them on the stem individually rather than leaving all the branches on 1 stem. This produces a better quality bud. Slow dry and curing is the way to go, just like you would do with wine. You could do the rack but it smushes the buds on the side where its laying on which I didnt like about that method.


Well-Known Member
i take off all large leafs, and hang dry the plant as a whole. I dont take any branches off. IMO this process drys the plant consistantlly and slow drys the plant given proper drying conditions.


Well-Known Member
I think most people do the initial drying with either the entire plant hung, or separated into main and side branches.

The only advantage I could see to pulling off each bud individually would be that more air exposure might speed up your initial dry by a day or three so you can get to curing faster. On the other hand, its also more work to flip the buds, involves more handing, and takes up more space. I think you can still get good results this way, but I don't think the advantage of saving a few days is worth the extra work.

If you are impatient, you can always just cut off one or two buds to cure quickly for a sample.

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
I tend to keep them all on the branch with the large leaves removed for three days or until the desired dryness is reached. I then jar them and let the curing process last for at least three weeks before it is time to enjoy.