Drying to Jarring - is this okay?


Hey everyone

first time grower on first time harvest
I started drying my buds 3 days ago, Today I noticed they felt pretty crispy on the outside but nothing serious (no stems snapping or anything)
I watched a friend grow/harvest/cure a few months ago and he let his buds dry until stems snapped and they ended up crispy with a dried hay consistency

I read that some people hang for a few days and then bag to bring the moisture on the inside to the outside, so I put them in a brown paper bag. That was a couple hours ago and they feel completely different now. Spongy and they look and feel like really fresh buds. I have been watching a lot of youtube videos about harvesting and you can tell that their buds are really fluffy and fresh when they go into a cure and not dried out and crispy.

Should I put these buds into cure tonight or leave them in the brown paper bag for a few days?

I have boveda humidity packs for my mason jars to release and draw moisture. I don't want mold of course but at the same time I don't want dried out buds


Well-Known Member
Do NOT jar that bud yet. Do it now and your bud will mold I promise. You could not burp jars enough. When the bud feels dry but still pliable and compressible is way soon enough and you will not end up with crispy crap. Read up more and screw You Tube for cures. It's great for newer growers but curing is very simple. KISS.


Well-Known Member
a method i like to use is full plant dry and when the buds get dry enough (3-5 days) put all the hanging buds closer together, this allows less airflow but since theyre dry theres no need to worry. this sometimes means clipping the branches so i can fit them closer together (while still keeping as much stem there as possible . after they start to get dry from that point (buds, not stems, usually ~6-10 days. ) i put them carefully into plastic bags for ~ 1-2 hours. this sucks the moisture back from the stem and allows the buds to be more pliable. from there i get as much moisture out of the stalks. at this point i trim the sugar leaves and then clip the buds back into the paper bags (the paper bags should now be moist) take all the extra stems and put those in the paper bag too, let it breath for a day, then before i jar it (hopefully 13th/14th day) i put the plastic bag around it all for the last day (before taking the stems back out) the stems act as a moisture source and do great regulating moisture if left on the buds till the right time

Po boy

Well-Known Member
leave it in the bag a few days. don't forget to lightly fluff it around a bit occasionally for even drying and airing out


Well-Known Member
After a 3 day hang dry you can put the buds in a jar, but only for 12 hours, then take them out of the jar for 12 hours, then put them in the jar for 12 hours, then take them out for 12 hours... and keep doing this cycle for about two weeks. That will give you a nice slow dry and your buds will smell great. Your friend with hay bud dried too quickly.
You could also spread them out in a shallow tupperware container and go lid on, lid off over 12 hour intervals for two weeks. That way the buds don't get handled as much.


Well-Known Member
I wait til the buds feel dry on the outside but when you squeeze them thet are still spongy... The stems will bend but will also have a lil snap to them but will not break... Jar them an open every 12 hours for 30 minutes for a week... Then i open every 24 hours for a 1/2 hour for the 2nd week. The third week every 2-3 days for half hour then once every week.... Seems to work well for me..


Well-Known Member
Amysd has the idea.
If I did half these ideas I'd have hay. The other half it would be mold. You have to work it out yourself. The generic principles are the same. dry till a certain point before jarring. Burp the jars. The issue is the times. It completely matters what the temp and humidity are where YOU are. If I hung my bud 3 days even with all the fan leaves and stems it would be weed dust already. If I paper bagged it would be the same. I personally go 2 days in the catapiller dryer, then destem and jar them. Burp 2 hours a day for a week. alot of people would have hairy mold buds with a regime like that but the RH is under 30% here and warm in my drying area.
If I burped my jars for 12 hours it would ruin the bud.


Active Member
Here's how I do it hang dry for 7 to 10 days. Then in the jars burping for 14 days. Comes out tasting fire everytime.Screw the paper bag that's gonna rub off a lot of resin glands!