

What's the best way to dry my plants in the woods.
I guess just hanging them upside down in trees will be a bad idea because of bugs.
Can i cut my bud and put it in a glass container with holes so air can get through?
Do you have any other idea?
I have heared about dc fan inside a box but i have to move a big box and i am in stealth mode(also don't want to go in the night there, scary place!)
Outside might not be a good idea in case it rains, unless you have a cover over them so they cant get wet, otherwise mold. And glass containers with holes wont provide proper air flow again you could risk getting mold.
if you're growing in the woods id just hang em and dry em up where youre growing

if there are pests there, they are already there. you dont wanna put em in jars until theyre dry or they'll rot.
They'll either dry too fast or too slow outside. I've experienced both. Don't spend 4 months growing to dry it poorly and have it taste like poop.
What's the best way to dry my plants in the woods.
I guess just hanging them upside down in trees will be a bad idea because of bugs.
Can i cut my bud and put it in a glass container with holes so air can get through?
Do you have any other idea?
I have heared about dc fan inside a box but i have to move a big box and i am in stealth mode(also don't want to go in the night there, scary place!)
Why can't you bring it inside to dry. Are your parents gonna get mad?
sounds like you are shit out of luck unless you are willing to spend money on a fan + Carbon filter.

I'd try to wet trim on site, or break branches down into manageable size...then into an airtight container like a turkey bag to transport immediately to your apartment where you have a fan and carbon filter waiting to keep the smell down.
Yeah, that sucks dude. I've never really heard of forest drying.

But I definitely wouldn't skimp out on the drying and curing process. That's a make it or break it moment for the cannabis.