Dual 600w ballast acting up, can I switch cordset /w 1000w?


Active Member
Hey I've got a dual 600 watt ballast acting up, we've narrowed it down to the cordset and I was wondering if it were possible to swap it out for a higher wattage (1000watt) cordset without causing problems?

Any ideas?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure its the same cordset as long as its for the same brand? My Sun Systems and Hydrofarm cordsets are the same for 400w, 600w and 1000w bulbs. Check your hood out online it will say what size bulbs you can burn!


Active Member
good call man, serial numbers are the same on both cordsets (luckily I have two failed ballasts... yay for htg supply). Thanks for pointing that out