Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I am currently working on a Hempy grow, now two weeks old.

I am doing a parallel grow with miracle grow potting soil (mixed with perlite 2-1) with some AK48 and Power Skunk, all growing under CFL's.

I will post pics later but all seeds have germinated and hit the dirt today.

My dirt girls are:
My AK48 are Bonnie and Claudette
My Power Skunk are Laverne and Shirley

My Hempy girls are
AK48 are Thelma and Louise



Well-Known Member
More pics from this morning. Gave them a cup of water each and they seem to like it.

First one is 11 days, the rest are 8 days.


Well-Known Member
Gave them all water today, the bigger ones I gave 64 oz (1,2 and 4) of water and the smaller 32 oz of water (3).

1 is 18 days old
2-4 are 15 days old, #3 was the smallest to germinate, seems like its lagging from the others

1 and 2 are AK48
3 and 4 are Power Skunk

This is the first time I watered them in a week



Well-Known Member
added water yesterday and wow did the grow. Had to move the lights on three of the six to prevent burning of the tips (#4 got burned).

Here are pics of 1-4


Well-Known Member
thanks, I think the key with MG is 1. mix with perlite and 2. make sure not to overwater. Overwater -> burning plants!!!!

I feed these once a week and they are looking nice. As they get bigger I will increase the watering but I do not think I will ever get to a point where I water them 3x a week, maybe twice.

Going to flower them when they get to about 10" tall or something like that (I am going to get a Homebox L with a 400hps). Vegging with CFLs which I have to say are impressive.


Well-Known Member
thanks pdeezy, I am using MG Potting Soil with a 2:1 mix with MG Perlite. I have a 2" base on the pots of pure perlite. Seeds started in peet pellets and as soon as they broke seed, I put them into the pots. Watered 1/2 cup of tap water every other day for first 8 days then no water for 10 days and now I am going on a 7 day watering until they get a bit bigger. I need to take some side pics so you can see how tall they are.


Well-Known Member
just an update on how things are moving. Last watered them on Saturday and they are growing ALOT. needed to move the lights around a bit. NOticed that one had burns on her tips, another one had some yellow on her tips. going to monitor but overall they are looking great.

Here is a picture of my setup and two plants i converted from hempy to MG. hempy is great but grows a bit slow for me (no patience) and they got shocked for about a week or so. i didnt think they were going to make it but they seem to have rebounded. they are actually about 4 weeks old but small.



Well-Known Member
growing nice, had to move the lights around.
#1 is three weeks today
#2,3 and 4 will be three weeks Friday

you can notice the yellow tips on #1 and #4 in the pics. I will keep notice. I will not water again until Thursday-Saturday and I will give them 32 oz of water.



Active Member
pots look the right size for flowering at 10". lights are good distance (nice and close). 2 daylight 100watters on each with the aluminum dome...very nice. good watering techniques so far. Good Job! looks exactly like my first grow.

I am on my second grow. I use MG organic by itself. The first grow is about 3 weeks from harvest they are looking great, resign and all...i also started flowering at about 10". 1st grow growing marzan and big bud. second grow is NL and bubble gum.

wait...do i see mirrors? I heard mirrors are very bad for the plants...it produces extra heat and !ABSORBS! light.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the props, i am getting really excited watching them grow. I do not have any mirrors there :) I just went to see them and they are growing alot each day. One question for you, the soil seems to be shrinking, i feel like adding more topsoil, seems weird but I'll leave it alone. If you look at the pics, the soil was to the inside line in the pot and now they are lower.

thoughts? I think I am going to water tomorrow (last water was on Saturday) and the soil seens dry about an inch deep (I stick my index finger in up to my first joint).


Well-Known Member
hey man i am growing AK-48 as well. if u wanna compair pics or wanna see what to expect look at my journal.


Well-Known Member
and here are my power skunks, they are only 2.5 weeks old too......

I have to measure them, I think the bigger ones are about 4-5" tall and the smaller ones are 2-3" tall.

Who says MG sucks..........



Active Member
soil shrinkage is just condensing. as you water, the soil compacts itself. if you want they sell airators for like a buck. buy one and stick it through your dirt a few times (gently). not really a big deal as long as those roots are breathing.


Well-Known Member
Due to the skinny leaves situation, I took some advice from some cats on the forum and moved the lights to overhead.

I made a holder for the lights and hung them from there. Pretty easy, take a look. The last picture was the old setup......

Tomorrow is a watering day so I hope they plum themselves up.

I hope they are all girls :)

