Ducting / Filter And Fan question

Hey Guys,

long time creeper first time poster. So it’s about time to replace my carbon filter and I figure it might be a good time upgrade my fan as well. I wanted to see what all the buzz was with these A/C infinity fans. On their website I was surprised they recommend a 6inch for 3x3 tent. Right now I have a 4inch hurricane in line and it works fine just a little noisy. Okay so question do I really need to go up to 6inch fan? AC Infinity justifies you need higher rated CFM due to pullling through the filer etc.Also if I go with 6inch can I step down to a 4inc (I have a 4inch dryer vent outlet going to another room) also how does everyone feel about the automation that comes with the AC infinity fan? I always thought you needed a constant exchange vs the fan kicking on when it gets too hot / humid.

thanks all!
Yes, things like a filter, length of ducting, bends in ducting, tent size and other things change how much CFM you actually need. I run two AC Infinity 6” fans with their “Controller 67”. One of them is in a 2x4x5 tent. I originally thought it was too much for the size, turned out to be perfect.

The controller dynamically changes speeds based on what settings you set up. It runs at speed setting 1 if no triggers have been activated. Then when my temp or humidity threshold gets crossed, it bumps up a notch. If the readings increase by two over, it bumps up an additional fan speed. Then dynamically decreases as needed. Way better than the standard smart controller that comes with the T series fans.

With that being said, I opted for a bigger fan than needed. It allows you to run the fan at a lower setting and achieve the desired effect. Since I run the fan on low settings (while keeping everything in check without issue), the fan is super quiet.

You could step dow from the 6” fan to 4” ducting. I wouldn’t in my opinion. Why bottle neck your exhaust, unless absolutely needed. Ducting is pretty damn cheap, just buy some.
Thanks Man! Yeah your right it’s definitely better to go big and thanks for clarifying how the AC infinity fans work I did not know they were always on low and then kicked up when controls are met.

My issue with the ducting isn’t about buying some. I will be running about 10 feet of 6in ducting if I get the fan. My issue is that I have a 4in hole in my wall I’d rather not try to make bigger. I also have a 4inch duct silencer and I was thinking about using my now obsolete 4inch carbon filter at the end of the ducting as an extra measure against smell. This would be in the adjacent room the tent is exhausting in.

so can I go 8-10ft of 6inch ducting to a 4inch silencer then through a wall and then exhaust through a 4inch carbon filter?
I don’t know what dropping down to 4” would do on a 10ft run. I know it’ll cause some resistance due to the bottleneck of 6” to 4”not sure if it’ll be negative or not. I’d say give it a go. If it becomes a problem, open the hole up to 6”.

As far as the controller goes, what I explained pertains to the “Controller 67” that AC Infinity sells as an upgrade. If that’s what you want, I’d just buy the S6 fan and the Controller 67 separately. The T6 comes with a smart controller, but lacks some of the features the Controller 67 has. Like dynamic speed adjustments.

The T6 controller, I believe, works based off triggers and either on or off. Again, I have only the Controller 67 smart controllers and none of the regular smart controllers that come with the T series fans. So do some research on the two controllers and how they differ.

Either way, I love my AC Infinity fans. Also picked up one of their Cloudlab tents. They are seriously fucking awesome for the price.
Awesome thanks a lot man I just added the controller 67 to my cart! Hey how do you feel about their carbon filters? I’m seeing mixed reviews. Their price is mainly what has me interested
Awesome thanks a lot man I just added the controller 67 to my cart! Hey how do you feel about their carbon filters? I’m seeing mixed reviews. Their price is mainly what has me interested
In your situation, the 6" is the right choice. I wish I could help you with the filter question...I'm a big proponent of Phresh filters after having tried 3 cheaper brands with terrible results. BUT, I did bite the bullet and buy a filter for my 8" AC infinity fan to use this summer when I start venting outside. I have a legal grow, so I'm not terribly concerned about the odor outside, so I thought now is the time to give another cheaper brand a chance. I have no idea if it will work well, but by all appearances, it's a quality product with a decent grade of charcoal.
I used a cheap filter for a very short time then upgraded to Phresh as well. They’re WELL worth the price. I’ll never use a cheap filter again.
Awesome thanks a lot man I just added the controller 67 to my cart! Hey how do you feel about their carbon filters? I’m seeing mixed reviews. Their price is mainly what has me interested
I don’t know what dropping down to 4” would do on a 10ft run. I know it’ll cause some resistance due to the bottleneck of 6” to 4”not sure if it’ll be negative or not. I’d say give it a go. If it becomes a problem, open the hole up to 6”.

As far as the controller goes, what I explained pertains to the “Controller 67” that AC Infinity sells as an upgrade. If that’s what you want, I’d just buy the S6 fan and the Controller 67 separately. The T6 comes with a smart controller, but lacks some of the features the Controller 67 has. Like dynamic speed adjustments.

The T6 controller, I believe, works based off triggers and either on or off. Again, I have only the Controller 67 smart controllers and none of the regular smart controllers that come with the T series fans. So do some research on the two controllers and how they differ.

Either way, I love my AC Infinity fans. Also picked up one of their Cloudlab tents. They are seriously fucking awesome for the price.
I have to thank you again for recommendation on the controller 67. I love that thing - can control w/ app and Bluetooth too!