Dudeism: A Religion for Its Time and Place


Well-Known Member

THERE’S A RELIGION for its time and place…It fits right in there, helps us abide through all the strikes and gutters, the ups and downs of the whole durned human comedy. It really ties your life together. And the religion for our time and place is Dudeism.
Of course, nihilists and reactionaries will probably dispute that—when they’re not throwing marmots into your bathtub or coffee cups at your forehead. That’s why you need to know how to respond when someone who is un-Dude asks you what the fuck you’re talking about when you tell them about Dudeism.
Now, it’s a basic tenet of the Dudeist ethos to just say “Fuck it,” or “Yeah, well, that’s just, like, you’re opinion, man,” when someone micturates upon our faith. But we’re talking about unchecked theological aggression here, drawing a line in the spiritual sand, Dude. Across this line you do not—also, Dude, “faith” is not the preferred nomenclature—“worldview,” please.



Well-Known Member
Religion ? I'm not a wiccan or some *witch* or hardcore harry potter motherfucker, ppppppp but, I think in general people should just be more respectful of others and think about how they would like to be treated. This whole fucking world is a fight between The Xians and The Muslims... Who would win? Brown team or white team I dont' know.... However I do know this. Religion killed a lot of souls. I guess the Devil would be pretty happy knowing that damned souls outnumber saved souls. This planet can explode at any minute, so go get your Dudeism lucky balls and roll a pair in your right palm while chanting kumbaiya we wish you a merry happy easter
Well, sir, it's this rug I had. It really tied the room together.

This is a very complicated case, You know, a lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous. And, uh, lotta strands to keep in my head, man. Lotta strands in old Duder's head. Luckily I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind limber.


Well-Known Member
Religion ? I'm not a wiccan or some *witch* or hardcore harry potter motherfucker, ppppppp but, I think in general people should just be more respectful of others and think about how they would like to be treated. This whole fucking world is a fight between The Xians and The Muslims... Who would win? Brown team or white team I dont' know.... However I do know this. Religion killed a lot of souls. I guess the Devil would be pretty happy knowing that damned souls outnumber saved souls. This planet can explode at any minute, so go get your Dudeism lucky balls and roll a pair in your right palm while chanting kumbaiya we wish you a merry happy easter
you're being very un-dude.