Dumb question of the day.....


Active Member
I know I'm putting myself on the bashing block for this crazy question, but I only have until this Sunday (moving) to let my outdoor Silver Haze finish. They are in the ground and I would love to let them go a two more weeks.. Question is...

Does anyone think If I dug them up and transplanted the them into pot or hydro and put them under lights would be worth it? I did a test dig on one I already pulled and could only get half the roots up... I'm thinking they will just go into shock and it's more trouble than its worth, but you guys on the this forum amaze me so maybe there a new trick and I can pull it off? prob not.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I know I'm putting myself on the bashing block for this crazy question, but I only have until this Sunday to let my outdoor Silver Haze finish. They in the ground and I would love to let them go a two more weeks.. Question is...

Does anyone think If I dug them up and transplanted the them into pot or hydro and put them under lights for and could only get half the roots up... I'm thinking they will just go into shock and it's more trouble than its worth, but you guys on the this forum amaze me so maybe there a new trick and I can pull it off? prob not.. bongsmilie
This is why I never put my plants straight in to the ground. You never know when you might have to move them. That way, all your roots are in the container and you can dig the container up, and roll out. You can use a 55 gal. trash can. Yea, it's going to be a bitch to move, but you CAN, and it will have all the roots.


Active Member
no go on that idea ghostrider! no telling how far your roots cover and that is a lot of work to try and transplant and move indoors and there is no promise that it will survive the move. i would just leave it be


Well-Known Member
When planted in the ground, the roots will usually go about as wide as the plant is
Look over your plant and the outside diameter of the bush is around where the roots go out to


Active Member
and yes, leave it out. why do you have to take it sunday?

I'm moving.. My wife fked this all up for me as she made a "deal" with the landlord that we will be out by the 18th without talking to me.. Deal was/is "free rent this month and he gives us our 1k deposit back" our dog has fked this place up pretty good so she thought it was a good deal to make. Oops! :wall:


Well-Known Member
I'm moving.. My wife fked this all up for me as she made a "deal" with the landlord that we will be out by the 18th without talking to me.. Deal was/is "free rent this month and he gives us our 1k deposit back" our dog has fked this place up pretty good so she thought it was a good deal to make. Oops! :wall:
honestly u need to go back to the complex and say u need 2 more weeks. Even if u have to pay for it. Thats a few ounces of dank bud you have at stake.

U wont be able to transplant inside this close to finish sorry. Not straight from the ground.

Just get 2 more weeks from ur landlord..


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that, Yaboii. It also sounds like you've already decided to move before they're ready to harvest, so leaving them in the ground to finish is not an option.

I recall seeing a photo in fdd2blk's journal where he had chopped big branches from a plant in order to harvest, but sometimes they'll sit around in a bucket for a few days. Kind of like a big-ass vase. He makes sure the cut ends are sitting in several inches of water. Here's his thread, and I believe you can see the photo on page 115 of the thread, and he discusses it on page 116. https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/176643-all-starts-gallon-gas-115.html

I have no idea if that will result in an additional few days of "growth", but if so, that may prove useful. Maybe even PM him, and ask him if he thinks you can squeeze a few more days of growth/maturation by doing that.

Best of luck whatever you decide.


Active Member
Sorry to hear that, Yaboii. It also sounds like you've already decided to move before they're ready to harvest, so leaving them in the ground to finish is not an option.

I recall seeing a photo in fdd2blk's journal where he had chopped big branches from a plant in order to harvest, but sometimes they'll sit around in a bucket for a few days. Kind of like a big-ass vase. He makes sure the cut ends are sitting in several inches of water. Here's his thread, and I believe you can see the photo on page 115 of the thread, and he discusses it on page 116. https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/176643-all-starts-gallon-gas-115.html

I have no idea if that will result in an additional few days of "growth", but if so, that may prove useful. Maybe even PM him, and ask him if he thinks you can squeeze a few more days of growth/maturation by doing that.

Best of luck whatever you decide.

Thanks to everyone that chimed in!

Pablo Thanks for that link, gives me alil hope. :!: