Dupe's MMJ Grow Journal: Purple Cream, DWC, SCROG, Canna, CFL to 400 watt HPS


Active Member
Hi all,
I've been a long-time lurker here... seems like the best stuff I read on the internet usually comes from this forum so I'd like to contribute as well as welcome anyone interested to join in on my second grow.

The plant I'm growing is a Purple Cream clone that I got 2 weeks ago from a west coast dispensary. The people at the dispensary couldn't stop talking about how amazing the buds looked on the finished plants and how much they stunk up the place. I haven't been able to find very much solid information on the internet regarding the strain.

I'm using a 96 watt Hydrofarm t5 CFL setup (6400k I believe) and a single 26 watt 2700k bulb for veg. When lowered, the 96 watt light sits about 4 inches from the top of the plant. For flowering I have a 400 watt HPS (2000k) with an aircooled reflector. The tent is 3'x3'x6'5" so I have quite a bit of space to grow upwards.

My hydroponics system has a trellis built into the lid that sits about a foot away from the top of the net pot. I did this so I could take the plant out of system with ease (if need be) and to make the res easier to access and empty/refill. I'm using Canna Aqua as my feed in this grow.

Here is the album where I will be collecting all of the pictures for this grow: http://duplicity11.imgur.com/all/

As you can see, I've made some changes along the way. I used to have 2 plants but after some nooby mistakes (pH issues), high temps, and a mite attack I decided to keep only one. I did this because the smaller plant was far more stunted and I felt that it would hold the other back and I'd get a lower yield if I kept both rather than focused on one. I've got things under control now and I think that she'll continue to thrive as she has over the last week.

Thanks for stopping by,



Active Member
Hey all,

I topped her yesterday and she has been doing great! PPM is starting to drop when I check it so I'm gonna do a res change tomorrow and bump it up. Lots of roots starting to make it into the water.