Durban Poison Clones ... NEED HELP! :)

Some family of mine brought me some Durban Poison clones to take care of for them back in Mid April. They seemed pretty small (compared to other clone strains I've seen) but I'm guessing they were at least 3-4 weeks established prior to being in my possession. I had been informed of them being overwatered prior to being in my care as well, which might be an indicator of their small stature and spidermites :\

So I've been trying my best with these gals but I'm still having problems. They've tried to flower, or have flowered, and I believe they might be trying to switch back into veg. Their new growth only has 1, 2, and 3 leaves as well as curling and twisting. I am watering them with tap water whenever their dirt dries out as well as Big Grow every other feeding according to the directions on the bottle, as well as foliar feeding. They are in recycled promix and probably root bound in their containers but I have yet to get other ones to put them in.

I am unaware of my ph of my tap water which I'm sure might be part of the problem. I assume it contains chlorine but the best filtering system I have available is my PUR water filter... I have my hands on some Ph Down but I wasnt sure if this was the right solution to whatever is wrong so I have yet to use it.

As for lighting, I keep them outside during daylight hours (I am at 3150 elevation, usually 70-80 outside) and I take them in at night and keep them under the only lights I have available, which is some sort of weird desk light and a small light box - I am unaware of the wattages of both. I try to keep them under lights as much as possible but eventually I plan to put them outside somewhere when they get a little bigger.

As for the spidermites, (which sadly I am quite familiar with) I have some neem oil but havent used it yet. I have looked online for solutions for the problem but I get the feeling that there is no perfect remedies to cure it but just ways to treat it. I've heard foggers dont really work as well as C02; I know the bugs cant live in low temps but I am a little hesitant to stick my girls in the freezer ;)I am wondering if anyone has any advice at all for me... I have been growing a few years but never this strain under these circumstances at this elevation; not to mention I still have a lot to learn anyway.

Any info would be highly appreciated!!! :) Pics provided!!! Thank you! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Bro dont stick them in the freezer, you will kill the plant and the mites. Get some miticide for plants and spray them in 5 day intervals, vacuum and dont bring them from outside in and when youve been near bushes or in the yard dont just waltz into the growroom, go in there with clean clothes ,shoes etc.


Well-Known Member
fuck it shower and go in your birthday suite lol jk jk Buds is right be careful of what u bring in from the outdoors. and miticide spray every 5 days vacume and keep area clean