Dutch Passion Brainstorm vs DNA Lemon Skunk plant war is being fought! ramble.


Well-Known Member

I plopped in a freebie DNA lemon skunk about 2 months ago...a month into the process I thought "I have room for another and I have fem Brainstorm...why not do two? I am scrogging for the first time so I thought with a bit of hassle I could "catch up" the brainstorm to the lemon.

So the lemon had a full 6 weeks of veg...the brainstorm had only 2 weeks. I had to buy soil for the brainstorm and unfortunately the soil that i bought has a lot of pine chips in it. So the brainstorm had "issues" right away and I'm going to blame the soil. :) As soon as I put them both into flower...the brainstorm's issues cleared up and the lemon started having issues. Argh. As a result the lemon delayed flowering and had a slow spurt...meanwhile the brainstorm started growing like mad.

Forward to today. The lemon is flowering decently...the brainstorm has not shown yet but she is growing like 2" a day. It's hard to scrog her as she is overshooting the screen by so much so quickly. But I'm trying. I have a 3.5' by 2.5' screen...I allocated too much space to the lemon it seems...the lemon is spread wide but is slow...the brainstorm only has about 1/3rd of the screen opportunity than does the lemon...and is eating all of that up before even showing sex.

I think that I'm going to have to have brainstorm cutting into the middle section of lemon (that's where lemon is thinnest)

First scrog is a learning experience i suppose...and it's probably best to do the same strain if doing multiple plants under one screen. I hope the ends justify the means!



Well-Known Member
It's ridunkulous how much the Brainstorm is beating the Lemon skunk by now. The BS is an incredible growing plant...I've even tried giving it less light and the lemon skunk more...the lemon skunk barely responds...the BS just chases the lights.


Well-Known Member
Well I LST'd the farq outta the Brainstorm...I'm talking 90 degree angle shiite. In about an hour everything was facing up again...a few hours after that? I could see considerable new growth on the now more exposed sides. It's CRAAAAAAZY. Anyone grow a Brainstorm outside? Please tell me your experience...I'm imagining a 30 foot tall tree that eats children.


Well-Known Member
The Brainstorm sounds nice. A lot of times the plants will shoot up a lot in early flowering then it will level off and put all its energy towards bud production. Good luck. I might take a look at the brainstorm.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the Brainstorm has finally leveled off. The lemon skunk's issues have totally cleared up...but the buds are just fattening...no real new growth to speak of.
(I'll give the lemon this though...VERY frosty! You touch a frosted leaf and your hands smell like lemon pledge) The Brainstorm is flowering nicely...I'd really recommend the strain based upon growth.

Another reason for the update...both are very low odor. Seriously I can stick my head inches away from a lemon that is 30 days into flower and a brainstorm that is 20 days into flower...neither really have an odor at all.
(though if you brush up against the lemon...it'll kick off a bit of floral-like odor)