Dutch pro A&B how much to use



Auto flowers
Bio all mix

How much do you use per 1litre of water?

It's says 2.5-3.5ml on the website but then says something like 200ml on the label.

Also do you put both A&B in the same water?
Put A on the plants then put B on the plants after in different water

Thank tou


Well-Known Member
Mix it 1/4 strength. No 200 mls of anything except water. Nute burn or overdose in autos is impossible to correct because they finish to quickly. Do NOT overfeed. Or use just 1 ML in your water to start. If it tolerates that okay water twice with regular water and then add 1.5 ML to feed. Others might suggest differently. Listen to all.


Well-Known Member
From the company website - "Never mix components in pure form with each other – instead add component A, water and then component B in equal parts (always rinse measuring cup well). Adjust pH level if necessary with pH- Bloom from Dutch Pro. Optimum pH level 5.8 – 6.5."

I still suggest 1 to 1.5 ML of each instead but wait until others voice opinions.


Thank you for your reply

So this is what I will do

Mix 1ml A to 1litre water
Then put 1ml of B in the same water
So A and B are in 1litre water
Water one plant with all 1litre water
Then water 500ml of plain water on the same plant

Each plant will get 1.5litre water and 1ml A and 1ml B

Is this correct??

Thank you