DWC 1 of 3 plants has the claw. Some white hairs are turning brown only 3rd week flwr

Hi, First of all I want to thank everyone for all of the information I've gathered thus far for my grow.. In fact up until now all my questions have been answered with a simple search!

Ok my problems.. This is my first grow and its been going great till now.

I'm in my 3rd week of Flower
I have 3 plants 2 are G13 Haze and 1 is Vortex (i know now I shoulda just went with one strain, or at least 2 that have same flower times)

Anyway I just upped my floralicious plus to 5 ml/gal from 2.5 and all the other nutes went up only a small amount. They are in a 20 gal rubbermaid and only the vortex is showing the claw and only on the top buds.. not the lower branches.

Here are my best guesses

1. Too much N

2. Root Bound (but its in big res and is not bad.. Just tangled with other plants)

3. Wind.. Too many fans (but why not other plants)

4. High humidity.. It still reaches 70% at night, but falls to 40 minutes after opening the door... (my dehumidifier is running but not collecting water)

I'm looking for a cheap door to cut holes in so I can vent it..

Thanks for any advice

Oh and on the Vortex and one of the G13 Haze's some of the very tips of the huge white hairs are turning brown.. I have no idea what this means..



Well-Known Member
Do you think it's possible that the different strain is experiencing stress from having too much N and not enough P or K? I have run some strains that are like that which makes it really hard if your running them all in the same res or res chain. Also how are your temps? Temps and humidity can cause issues as they rise and fall together.


Active Member
I have some that ram horned on me while the others in the same tote looked just fine. I also thought it was to much N. After 55 days of veg those plants are super healthy with the older leaves curling under while the other plants still never had that problem. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Happy growing


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
I have some that ram horned on me while the others in the same tote looked just fine. I also thought it was to much N. After 55 days of veg those plants are super healthy with the older leaves curling under while the other plants still never had that problem. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Happy growing
What he said :blsmoke:

Watch for major coloring issues.. a lil curl ain't nothin man could be strain.