DWC bubbleee walll wonttt stickk 222 bin


Well-Known Member
i got a 53 gallon binz filled half way 20 gallon pump i think from walmart 2 outlets, bought 2 14" bubble wals cant get them to stick to bin? what should my broke ass do, wait and get those smaller stones :(.

(pics tomorrow) thanks aint much just water in bin with bubble walls at top floating lol.

(first time around! getting into the water gig.


Elite Rolling Society
you're going to have ahelluva time keeping that much water the right temp, the right pH and also draining and replinishing it will be a big job! an awesome task. No one uses a tank that big. A 6 to 8 gallon is perfect.


Well-Known Member
for roots as well? no!??!?!!?!?!?! those plants look huge how big are they lol

nice pictures how much fun stuff is that? lol