DWC Design Question


Well-Known Member
As we all know, the airstone is a vital part of a DWC setup. We also know the finer the bubbles, the better right? Has anyone here experimented with irrigation(ish) line with 360 misting plugs in order to better oxygenate their water? I feel this could be a really good resolve considering (theoretically) the bubbles would be smaller, they would be everywhere, and it would eliminate the need for multiple airstones. In the long run, it could also be manipulated to have less back pressure on your pump, which would be beneficial in the long run. Also, has anyone ever tried filtering their buckets air supply? Would it reduce the need for cleaning? All feedback is appreciated. Thanks
Nobody??? I'd assume this would've been a hot topic considering they're vital aspects of a DWC system. It's a surprisingly hard topic to search, so if maybe there's something I missed and somebody can link me to it, that'd be helpful as well. Thanks.