DWC for mother?


Well-Known Member
Is DWC good for a mother plant I gonna take 100 clones from? I was thinking of just using a netted pot, coco liner, and clay pellets suspended in a 5 gallon bucket with a air stone. Sound like it would work good?


Well-Known Member
Seems sound. You may want to think about how big that plants root base will be after clipping 100 clones over time from it. That 5 gallon bucket reservoir may very well just get stuffed to the brim with root mass over that period of time.

You'll want to be sure your air stone inside of it doesn't get smothered out by the roots, then not being able to effectively "bubble" the water. I'm sure you can just put a strong enough air source with one round air stone and it'll do the job, but it is something to consider once you grow a plant in there that size/long.

Food for thought.


Well-Known Member
Awesome! I can't wait to try it. I have been in the stone age using soil forever and now I'm going all hydro. The DWC is so simple and easy to make I could not pass it up


Well-Known Member
the best thing about useing dwc for a mother is you get explosive growth..you will constantly have to trim your bush...LOL