dwc grower doing soil organic,, major yellowing , diagnosis please


Well-Known Member
hi all, thnx for stopping in,, i already know the answer to this but looking for confirmation and adviceon best way to deal with it:)

from 3rd week of flower large fan leaves(hand size) started a yellowing process, wasnt too concerned as they were q large and with lower n in the flower nutes it figured, howeber in week 5 now and it has started to to transgress into the smaller fan leaves as well, almost like the plant is going through flush period:roll:. feeding full strength bio bloom which is 2 , 8 ,6 i think so has some n present. obvious answer is to sdd some veg nutes, prob is cash flo for a few days and want it sorted asap, also i have my usual ionic nutes for hydro, can i give her some veg nutes suited for hydro as a tonic,, advice appreciated shesgrowing some hairy fruity tight nugs and wud like to help her out:P

im sure its n as its a nice uniform spreading lovely pale yellow all over with no brown spots or owt


Well-Known Member
helllooo ,anyone there :P cmon chaps and chapettes the amount of times ive helped peeps on here , surely someone grows in soil?