Dwc help, small yeast looking things in my slime coated res

Okay I'm new to dwc but have read forever here on roll it up and decided to give it a try. I'm using a 5 gal res with dyna gro nute, temp is around 80 and my humidity is around 40 . After 4 days with my new seedling , the stem has been purple the whole time, but my ph spiked and would not go down. I did a res change and found some on my air lines and white yeast looking things in the water. Also it took 12 ml of ph down to get a fresh res with 1/4 teaspoon per gallon down to a ph of 6 . Can anyone help my figure out what this could be???
Thank you for the direction and as I am new I don't mean any disrespect but I have already read roseman and purpdaddy's guide for bubbleponics https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/146610-roseman-purpdaddys-guide-my-bubbleponics.html. After trying out thier 8 step Remedy and I still can't get the ph down. Was at 6.0 last night now at 7.6 . Also, there is some florablend nutes in there too. Just 1 ml for the whole 5 gal , as I don't want to nute burn this.


Active Member
organic material will raise your ph fast. I've been battling the same sort of thing. try keeping your res temps down and check for light leaks in the root zone
Thanks, fixed a leak in the net pot and did a flush. I've also been reading florablend might be too organic for a dwc and can cause the slime. Any thoughts?


Active Member
organics can give you more problems if you're not on your game but if things are sorted its ok. I think organics would work best with soil, I've used them in DWC with mixed results but honestly can't remember if there was much difference in the end result which says there can't have been much.
All organics I've used raise the PH aswell
Okay so I changed to a new reservoir and have taken care of all light leaks. Put 1 cap of h2o2 in ,4 tsp of dyna grow and 18 ml of ph down in this 7 gal res. went ahead and tried 10 ml of fb again ( after reading that it might lower the ph) . This was before I checked back here, I wasn't able to log on cause it wasn't my system, but ph won't go lower than 6.3 and leaves are deformed a bit, rust spots and a bit of yellowing. I'll do a fresh change but can't seem to get this thing under control. At this point would switching to soil be better? Thanks again guys, sorry for the long post


Well-Known Member
instead of mixing and brewing, try pond zyme. its a 1/4 of the price vs hydro stores and no brewing needed. i have never had better roots and no res issues.